“I don’t like him cuz other people like him and I don’t like those people.”
Weren’t you on that “Kanye is a genius” shit a while back? And Tyler and OF before that? Weren’t you one of those same people? The posts are all still here, I’m just not invested enough to go back and look.
Way to COMPLETELY miss my point. The Weeknd is my favorite artist and he’s one of the biggest artists of all time. It’s not about other people liking him so if that’s all you got out of EVERYTHING I jus said, I seriously am not going to even entertain this wit you.
And Kanye is a musical genius. He has arguably the hardest 4 album run in not only Hip Hop history, but possibly music history period. That never changed. He’s doing stupid shit these days and on his own wit all that but yes, he is a musical genius and that can’t be erased, even tho the new shit is nothing special.
Lmao yea except no. It’s not simply about people glazing somebody I don’t like. Taylor Swift fans are borderline psychotic about her and I don’t like her music whatsoever but yet I don’t really have a problem wit either because they’re mostly jus nuts about her and keep to themselves. Meanwhile Kendrick stans are the biggest pieces of shit you will ever meet and bring the shit on themselves when they could simply jus praise their Daddy, keep to themselves, and shut the fuck up. But they always need to instead do the absolute fucking most. That’s where the issue comes in. There’s plenty of artists I don’t like that have huge, dedicated fanbases that I have zero problem wit either them or the fans, yet Kendrick is a different story. Wonder why that is.
Honestly it’s comparable to MAGAts. Where who they’re a cockswallowing fan of dictates their entire garbage personality and makes them completely intolerable human beings.
The more you go on about him, the more you’re gonna see. Granted it’s at a peak right now since like 170 million people just watched his performance, but still. The algorithms just see you mention Kendrick 1,000 times, so it’s gonna show you 1,000 more things about him. Facebook, snap, insta, and google all use that info to target ads and drive user engagement. You’re creating your own doom loop at this point.
Eh. I agree to an extent, but even before I was personally engaging, it was still all over the fucking place nonstop and constantly in my face regardless. So fuck it I’ll talk my shit too now since yall faggots can’t shut the fuck up.
Before you say we can’t shut the fuck up, go back and look at the paragraphs of doom you dropped last page. I don’t have a dog in this fight. Go on and feel your feelings though.
I think the funniest thing about Kendrick rn is that all the people online bickering about the halftime show seem to think you’re a racist if you didn’t enjoy it. But everyone I’ve ever known that likes him is white 😆 I may be insulated living in Atlanta, but black people didn’t fuck with him. Even now, most of the black people glazing him online are only doing it because they think his performance was an affront to Trump. Sooooooooo gay. I went to a filmmaker meeting Monday and the old dusty white people there kept bringing him up because they think it makes them look hip to like him🤣
Before you say we can’t shut the fuck up, go back and look at the paragraphs of doom you dropped last page. I don’t have a dog in this fight. Go on and feel your feelings though.
He literally asked me why I hate him and I answered you fucking dumbfuck.
He's saying you're a hypocrite because everything you have against him and the people who like him are things you have done in the past to other artists.
He's right but you will never admit it because you are a narcissist.
He’s actually not right because yes I used to stan the mfs he named but I never pulled the superiority shit and attacked anybody who didn’t like them like Kendrick faggots do. I was obsessed wit the music but my problem, again, is not wit them being obsessed wit the music. So he’s completely wrong actually.
And learn what the word narcissist means you fucking retard you literally sound like a bitch. That’s their favorite buzzword for any male that pisses them off.
The Weeknd has been my favorite artist of all time for 14 years strong now, to such a severe extent that he completely reshaped my taste in music and 90% of what I listen to is all pure RnB. Yet have you ever seen me acting superior for it or saying you don’t know music or understand it if he’s not your favorite too? Matter fact a bunch of you have literally said he’s trash or overrated. I literally do not give a fuck and it ain’t stopping me from having his records on repeat or keeping that same opinion. I’ve literally never done that shit no matter who it was concerning. Even when I was a kid. And this is grown ass men doing this shit which is even more fucking sad and pathetic.
Case in point, yesterday I had commented on a post simply saying Kendrick’s Mr. Morale album was mid, especially after making his fans wait 5 entire years for it. Mind you at no point was Drake ever mentioned by me or otherwise. Dude immediately gets his pussy hurt, posts my picture as a reply and says “You look like a pedophile Drake glazer.”
Is that normal behavior to you? Is that sane behavior to you? These faggots are complete all out losers and mentally ill. Someone says an album is mid and you jump straight to calling them a pedophile, knowing damn well yo sorry pussy ass wouldn’t dare say some shit like that in person cause you’d get your jaw shattered. Fuck every last one of these pathetic no life faggots and I pray for the day one of em wants to pop off like that to me face to face. But it will never happen cause they’re coward ass losers that used to be permanent residents of locker interiors in school.
This shit still going? This is beyond football at this point. Start a Kendrick thread ffs. You’ve obviously got a lot to say about him. Them feelings are RAW.
Weren’t you on that “Kanye is a genius” shit a while back? And Tyler and OF before that? Weren’t you one of those same people? The posts are all still here, I’m just not invested enough to go back and look.
He's saying you're a hypocrite because everything you have against him and the people who like him are things you have done in the past to other artists.
He's right but you will never admit it because you are a narcissist.
And learn what the word narcissist means you fucking retard you literally sound like a bitch. That’s their favorite buzzword for any male that pisses them off.