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**Official 2025 Detroit Lions Thread**



  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,475 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Saw a couple clips. It’s bad. There’s videos from the audience at the SB and it seems like no one really give af. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,972 spicy boy
    I think.the 1/2 time show is more for tv anyways. It probably sounds like shit over the stadiums PA lmao

  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,950 spicy boy
    I think Kendrick is overrated and boring, but he was better than shit like Maroon 5 or Pink
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,972 spicy boy
    Man, looking at this just breaks my heart when it comes to this season lol

    That lions team was so damn good. Really hope we car recreate it with the new staff. 
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,929 jayfacer
    Hopefully he gets smoked like his idol Tupac. He does everything else to emulate him, go out like him too.
     I don’t like Kendrick but I’m curious. Why do you have such a hate boner for him?
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,008 jayfacer
    edited February 12
    It primarily started wit his fans, because they are the literal embodiment of everything I hate in a fanbase. Lame ass gatekeeping elitists who think they’re superior cause of another man’s work and think they have a 300 IQ cause they listen to surface level  “deep woke” music made for smart dumb mfs. This was perpetuated by the Drake beef even worse and it’s been on full display for a year now. They are the actual fucking worst. It reminds me of when I was younger and started distancing myself from the Metal crowd because people like Death Metal elitists made me sick to my stomach and I didn’t wanna associate myself wit complete fucking losers like that. It literally started extending to the music too and put a bad taste in my mouth about the music itself too. As I grew up I didn’t care and said Im’ma like what I like and fuck all them faggots, but still this is all reminding me of that point in time. But he himself I can’t stand either. It’s not about defending Drake like his faggot ass fans would like to tell you, (Because their savior can now never live without Drake being connected at all times apparently.) because Drake ain’t even in my top 10, and even if he was, I don’t take personal sides like a bitch over people that don’t know me or care I exist. Shit, The Weeknd and Drake hate eachother and The Weeknd is my favorite artist of all time so if that’s what I was doing, guess who would be blacklisted? But getting back to my point, it ain’t about defending Drake, but the whole situation put on full display the exact kind of lame ass bitch that Kendrick really is and I do not respect him whatsoever. He rode Drake and needed him for his current super stardom. Yes he was well known before and always considered a firm number 2 or 3 behind Drake, but he sat on the sidelines throwing subs and sneak disses jealous and bitter as fuck like a female for OVER 10 YEARS, and then even when he does finally say it wit his chest, he waits until Drake is well past his prime and had already somewhat fallen off music wise, because he knows if he said it during that peak like he wanted to, nobody would have listened to his lame ass cause the entire world adored Drake at the time. That’s pathetic ass coward shit. That mf lived rent free for over a decade in your head and you couldn’t let it go and still didn’t strike til he was at his weakest. Lame ass coward shit that I could never respect. And now it’s at a point where his career and his life is more about Drake than it is about him. His most successful song his garbage ass ever made? About Drake and needed Drake for it. I don’t care if it’s a hate anthem. Still needed to ride his dick to the top. And that Super Bowl performance was even further proof. It’s the fucking Super Bowl, so you generally use that as a showcase of your own career, play all the most well known hits that the world actually knows and wants to hear, etc. He did none of that and instead treated it as a final “killshot” focused on Drake. Yet again centered on Drake, at all times. Bruh he even wore an “a minor” chain out on stage to kick the entire shit off. It’s technically part of his “pgLang” logo, but he knew exactly what he was doing, and that move was again done wit Drake in mind. Your outfit for the big day on national TV was focused on the reaction it would get out of Drake. Seek help. He played nothing but the newest album, and the entire fucking set was basically a build up to Not Like Us. And, no surprise! It’s the only fucking song that got any kind of reaction whatsoever. Almost like none of these new faggot ass sheep are actually fans of any of his horrible Xanax music but jus using him as a vessel for bitter Drake hate. 

    Beyond that, I had already thought he was mid and overrated before. I liked Section.80, but that was 2011 and it’s the only full album I ever liked by him. So it has been 14 YEARS since he made a good album. You’re washed! Even Good Kid Maad City is overrated to me. It’s got some of his biggest records for sure, but a lot of that shit is snoozefest filler records in between. And then from there he jus got worse and worse. To Pimp A Butterfly actually put me to sleep, DAMN. was mid and overrated, Mr. Morale was legitimate fucking garbage, and GNX I didn’t even fucking bother to listen to and I refuse to. All I’ve heard from it is lil clips from memes and shit and yea I’m good listening to a 37 year old mentally ill faggot use his cute lil alien voices over West Coast bounce beats smh.
  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,950 spicy boy
    It’s been gross watching people jockstrap for him since the Super Bowl. Every dork I see that knows dick about rap music is proclaiming him the greatest ever. Idiots thinking they’re smart is cringe af
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,008 jayfacer
    SATAN said:
    It’s been gross watching people jockstrap for him since the Super Bowl. Every dork I see that knows dick about rap music is proclaiming him the greatest ever. Idiots thinking they’re smart is cringe af
    Yea it’s actually fucking nauseating. This dude on the Hip Hop forum I go on said it so perfectly the other day that I almost literally stood up applauding after reading it lmao. Fucking nailed it:

  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,929 jayfacer
    I don’t know shit about him personally or whatever’s going on with Drake. My younger brothers love him and everytime they play one of his songs it annoys the fuck outta me 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,008 jayfacer
    At this point trolling his fans like they hate on everything and everybody else is a sport for me. They’re so bitter and miserable and their obsession wit Drake is hilarious. The other day I got into it wit one of these faggots and mind you at no point did I ever mention Drake, say his name, or use him as any of my counters or reasons that I hate Kendrick. I said basically what I said above, like “It’s cute how yall think yall are Einstein but actually stupid as shit and couldn’t even tell me what socio-political issues Kendrick covered at the Super Bowl if I asked you to name them rn.”

    Dude responds “Keep defending a fucking pedophile, says more about you than it does about me.”

  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,475 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I just never got the hype. I’m not a big rap guy but I can appreciate some of it. Like some of it is pretty catchy and I can see why other people like it but Kendrick Lamar does nothing for me. Most of the rap I hear now tho is so comically bad, it almost does make him seem like a modern day poet.

    I swear most of these rappers can’t go one verse without mentioning what caliber gun they’re gonna shoot you with or all of the ice on their neck and/or wrist. It’s hilarious to me how these guys get a little bit of money for the first time in their lives and immediately start dressing like Hillary Clinton with an absurd amount of jewelry on. 
  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,475 destroyer of motherfuckers
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,008 jayfacer
    😂😂😂😂 Aye Migos had that shit on tho.
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,837 spicy boy
    You have to be an intellectual to listen to rap. 
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,929 jayfacer
    Kendrick sounds like he’s the Rick & Morty of the rap world lol 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,972 spicy boy
    I don't think he's that great or anything but the level of hate erik had for him screams secretly gay for kendrick imo. 

    Kind of like the politician who's way against gays who gets busted sucking guys off a the glory hole. 

    Same vibe.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,008 jayfacer
    Yea naw I would legitimately pop a bottle if he died but no surprise you try to turn that into something else to hate on me for faggot.
  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,475 destroyer of motherfuckers
    He’s still mad that my skins clapped the lion’s cheeks in the playoffs. It’s time to move on. 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,008 jayfacer
    Dime2 said:
    Kendrick sounds like he’s the Rick & Morty of the rap world lol 
    Yup and it’s exactly why it’s so fucking insufferable. Honestly for the most part this is the mindset of the entire underground Hip Hop scene, anything that’s “lyrical miracle spiritual”, rEaL hIp HoP shit. Elitist bullshit, “You’re too stupid to understand my dusty ass music and that’s why you don’t like it and not cause it’s boring as fuck.”, “Music needs to have deep meaning and message to be good.”, etc etc. But the problem is none of those bums ever make it big enough for it to be a constant in your face problem. They have their lil niche pockets of fans that you may run into in certain sections of the internet, but that’s about it. So one of these losers becoming this big is a problem because it’s then all in your face and you can’t get away from it. And it’s worse because more than half of it is disingenuous. “yOu DoN’t UnDeRsTaNd It It’s ToO dEeP!!” Yet Kendrick the only artist of that kind in their entire playlist, hence why they treat him like a “genius”, says anything even slightly more meaningful than the average rapper and it’s OMG WHAT A FUCKING GODLIKE PROPHET. Meanwhile sure as fuck ain’t listening to no Nas, MF Doom, Aesop Rock, Big L, or any of the other dusty shit that would fit more along the lines of Kendrick’s sound.

    J. Cole used to be on the ass end of these types of jokes, I had always said I liked J. Cole but it was fun to troll his fans lmao. Even tho I was/am one myself. 😂 But they used to be on the same shit to an extent because he makes more conscious shit, “Humble” became a running joke about his fans cause there would be pictures of him out in public in bummy sweats and hoodies riding a bike or taking the train and they would act like he jus changed the world for doing so, “OMG HE’S A MILLIONAIRE JUS LIKE YOUR FAVORITE RAPPER BUT HE DON’T NEED THE CHAINS AND THE LOUIS VUITTON AND THE LAMBO AND THE FERRARI HE’S SOOO HUMBLE.” So that took off and there was a bunch of humble memes. I remember there was one that was like “The McDonald’s J. Cole Humble Meal 🙏🏻” and it was jus a plain burger no sauce or toppings and a plain glass of water. 😂😂😂😂 But on later albums he started making more fun/mainstream music and started flexing a lil bit more and his fans couldn’t say this typa shit anymore, so it died down. But that was always jus fun trolling, they never really bothered nobody or went out their way to trash anybody else, they jus moved funny about their guy lmao. But Kendrick fans are legitimate fucking garbage. This shit ain’t for fun or for sport, they legitimately make me sick to my fucking stomach.
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,837 spicy boy
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