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  • ThatGuyArloThatGuyArlo Posts: 1,430 jayfacer
    For me, I was hesitant for a bit back in the fall, but everything I've looked up and followed about these vaccines is pretty great. The disease itself may be new, but these types of vaccines have been in development for years, and I realize now how they were able to get it done so quickly. 

    For me though, it's also the numbers. We've given over 100 million doses in the US, and we're not seeing any significant number of people with adverse reactions outside of the flu like symptoms that are normal with these types of vaccines. We're also seeing deaths and hospitalizations fall sharper than case numbers, which shows me that they work. It's all about cutting off access for the virus to spread, so even though I'm not likely to suffer much from COVID, I'm absolutely getting the shot cause it allows all of us to get over this quicker. As for lockdowns, even I'll admit I'm fucking so tired of it. I don't think they can go on much longer, but I'm pretty confident that this summer will be mostly "normal" and will only continue to improve from here. I just think we need another couple months to get as many shots out as we can before we start reopening everything.

    Just my 2 cents
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,969 spicy boy
    Yeah, arlo does a better job of explaining it. 

    I had a long conversation with my doctor about it too. For me the positives just outweigh the negatives and what ever risks there may be. 
  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,472 destroyer of motherfuckers
    My parents just got the vaccine not too long ago. My dad got really sick the day after the first shot but nothing after the second one. My mom was fine after both shots. If I was 70 or I had asthma or diabetes or some shit, I'd prolly be in line to get the shot like everyone else. But I'm young and healthy so I'll let everyone else get it first and see how it plays out. I know there's a 99% chance everyone will be fine but I'm in no rush.

    I'm pretty sure I had COVID last year in May because I was sick for like 5-6 days and it was unlike any sickness I've felt before. Usually when I get sick, it doesn't last for more than a day or two but I was sick for almost a week. No breathing problems or anything like that but I was just completely drained for days. I had 0 energy and I felt like shit. Can't be 100% sure it was COVID til I get the antibodies test tho. 
  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,472 destroyer of motherfuckers
    As for the lockdowns tho, this shit needs to end. If they're saying everyone who wants the vaccine can get it by May, that's when the restrictions need to be rolled back and the masks need to come off. I know some of you are gonna think I'm crazy for suggesting it but I do believe it's a serious violation of our rights to force people to wear masks and keep people in their homes for any longer than they have to be. The majority of the population will be vaccinated and the people like me who are either gonna wait or just not get it at all, know the risk they're taking. It's not gonna be 100% back to normal but we can't keep living like this. If you wanna keep wearing a mask in public, no one's gonna stop you but you can't force everyone else to wear masks. That's just the way I see it. 
    As far as businesses being shut down and shit, yeah it totally sucks. Local businesses have under, people have lost their homes or gone into debt because they can't pay their bills, etc. I get it. 

    But why is enforcing a mask mandate such a big deal? Like honestly. It doesn't hurt people to wear a mask. There is no downside and the benefit of stopping the spread and potentially saving lives. I know people who have been crying about the mask mandate since like week 2 (not saying you have been) and I feel like its more about control than anything. They don't want to do what the government IE democrats tells them to do. 
  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,472 destroyer of motherfuckers
    If businesses want to enforce a mandatory mask policy in their store, they have every right to do so. I wear a mask into the grocery store like everyone else because I have to, not because I think it's saving my life. And yes, it is 100% about control. The government has gotten away with an insane amount of rights violations this last year and they know what they can get away with now. What happens next time there's something really minor like zika or swine flu? I don't wanna give the government the power to jail or fine someone for not wearing a mask. Do you? The police state is bad enough as it is. 
    Number1RamsFan said:
    I wear a mask into the grocery store like everyone else because I have to, not because I think it's saving my life. 
    Its not just about your life though. Its about protecting your neighbors.

    Everyone that refuses to wear masks (not saying you just in general) the people who have parties and shit or refuse to social distance are the reason we are in this mess. Ask @Gnomez about how Covid went in New Zealand. Everyone wore a fucking mask and stayed home for a few months and they're covid free. If everyone in America did the same instead of having this weird power struggle over it we might be done with it. They have to have mask mandates because Americans are so retarded they won't do it on their own. 

    What rights of yours have been violated? The right to wear nothing on your face? The right to breath in other people's faces? I don't get it.

    Also what's the bigger issue? A hypothetical police state that in all reality probably will never happen, or half a million of your countrymen dying? 
  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,472 destroyer of motherfuckers

    I'm not staying locked in my home forever. Viruses spread. It sucks, but there's nothing you can do about it. Unfortunately we don't live on a small island with a fraction of our population and a gov that was actually looking out for us. And even if we did, would you really wanna sit in your home for a year, only allowed to leave to go get necessities? What kinda toll is that gonna take on your physical and mental health? I cant afford to not go out and work so I'll take the chance of catching COVID over sitting at home slowly losing all my money and going insane.

    Sure it's a good idea to socially distance and wear a mask if you're in a Walmart or an airport or something but if I'm going to a friend's house, do I really need to be wearing a mask and sitting 6 feet away? In a convenience store with maybe 1 or 2 other people? Some governors were literally saying don't go see your family for Thanksgiving or Christmas but if you really have to, wear a mask and if you eat together, make sure to put your mask on in between bites. Some of these rules are fucking ridiculous and you know it. If you go into a restaurant rn, even if it's completely empty, you have to wear a mask inside, walk ten feet to your table and then you can take it off as soon as you sit down. Who's life did you just save? 

    And the police state that will never happen? What were the George Floyd riots all about? Do you really want cops to lock people up for not wearing masks? 
  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,472 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Haven't heard from Gnomez in a while cuz he prolly blew his fucking brains out
    Sure it's a good idea to socially distance and wear a mask if you're in a Walmart or an airport or something but if I'm going to a friend's house, do I really need to be wearing a mask and sitting 6 feet away? In a convenience store with maybe 1 or 2 other people? 
    Uh...yeah? Thats how viruses work. Can you magically not catch coronavirus if you're at a friend's house? What if he has covid? What if he's been around someone thats had it? What if he's asymptomatic? The danger in this line of thinking is that once millions of people starts thinking that way, you get mass spreading. I have a buddy that co-owns a gym with this chick and he caught covid from her at their gym because she had it and didn't know and they weren't wearing masks. That shit happens all the time. People think they are somehow immune or that this one hangout or trip to the bar won't infect them and then boom.

    New Zealand aside, the US is still near the top of the list as far as percentage of cases per citizen so we're clearly doing a piss poor job of handling it. There are countries doing just fine that took proper precautions and actually followed them. You can throw up your hands and say there is nothing we can do to prevent viruses but the data says otherwise.

    No one is saying dont go to work. They're saying dont go out in public for leisurely activities. Which i havent for the past year. Its not hard. Yes there have been dumb rules like the Thanksgiving thing but it all comes back to the stubbornness of the average American. If the government straight up said do not travel for Thanksgiving people would do it anyway. 
    Number1RamsFan said:

    And the police state that will never happen? What were the George Floyd riots all about? Do you really want cops to lock people up for not wearing masks? 
    Lmao of all the things the George Floyd riots were about, it sure as hell wasn't about wearing masks.

    So tell me, where are you getting this idea that police are gonna start arresting people for not wearing masks? Do you have any proof? Any statements? Any record of this happening? Any arrests so far have been from businesses calling the cops on anti maskers for trespassing after they've refused. I would love to see any shred of evidence to your claims. This seems to be your primary argument for ending quarantine and masking up so i would love to see how you got to this conclusion. 
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,032 spicy boy
    The people who come through my work have been really bad with wearing masks lately. Its like everyone just decided they were done with it
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,472 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I followed all the rules up until my birthday in September of last year when I went out to grab a beer with my buddy. I only did jobs and went to the grocery store or gas station when I needed to. Then we found out a couple months in, it's only really killing old and sick people. My uncle died of COVID but he also had really bad health problems. He had a heart attack not even a year ago and he was a pretty heavy guy.

    My best friend's dad got diagnosed with lung cancer like 10 years ago in NY and they told him he only had 6 months to live, so he moved down here to get treated at Duke Hospital and he beat it but he's still got really bad lung problems. For someone like him, it makes sense to quarantine. That doesn't stop us from getting together to watch the fights on Saturdays with a couple friends. It sucks that he can't go visit his dad but that doesn't mean he should stay locked up. 

    I was on board with the lockdowns at first. Then months went by and I thought how fucking long are we gonna be doing this? 
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,659 moneytalker
    If only we had a corona thread and these were all posts about Rage and/or other upcoming shows. 

    I did get the cancellation option on the hotel room. 
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,472 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Number1RamsFan said:

    And the police state that will never happen? What were the George Floyd riots all about? Do you really want cops to lock people up for not wearing masks? 
    Lmao of all the things the George Floyd riots were about, it sure as hell wasn't about wearing masks.

    So tell me, where are you getting this idea that police are gonna start arresting people for not wearing masks? Do you have any proof? Any statements? Any record of this happening? Any arrests so far have been from businesses calling the cops on anti maskers for trespassing after they've refused. I would love to see any shred of evidence to your claims. This seems to be your primary argument for ending quarantine and masking up so i would love to see how you got to this conclusion. 
    I never said they were about masks. A few months ago police were a huge problem and now you wanna give them the authority to arrest people for not wearing masks on their face.

    How many shreds do you want?
    edited March 2021
    Number1RamsFan said:

    And the police state that will never happen? What were the George Floyd riots all about? Do you really want cops to lock people up for not wearing masks? 
    Lmao of all the things the George Floyd riots were about, it sure as hell wasn't about wearing masks.

    So tell me, where are you getting this idea that police are gonna start arresting people for not wearing masks? Do you have any proof? Any statements? Any record of this happening? Any arrests so far have been from businesses calling the cops on anti maskers for trespassing after they've refused. I would love to see any shred of evidence to your claims. This seems to be your primary argument for ending quarantine and masking up so i would love to see how you got to this conclusion. 
    I never said they were about masks. A few months ago police were a huge problem and now you wanna give them the authority to arrest people for not wearing masks on their face.

    How many shreds do you want?
    Maybe go re-read what I said. All 3 of those videos you posted were people being removed from private businesses or facilities after the employees asked them to put on a mask, they refused, the employees asked them to leave, and they refused. They got arrested for trespassing, not about masks. Try again. 
    You're acting like they're snatching people up off the street for not wearing masks. You admitted that businesses should be allowed to require masks if they choose to. Guess what? If you don't comply with their request and you refuse to leave you can be arrested. 
  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,472 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Not about masks? Alright dude. That bitch got tased for not wearing a mask at a football game, outside with no one around but her family. This is what I meant by "the rules are getting ridiculous." 
    edited March 2021
    For the 3rd time: she got asked to put on a mask, she probably said no. She then got asked to leave, THEN she got arrested. Don't be dense. Yes the incident was about masks. But its not like the cop came up and threw cuffs on her the second he saw her not wearing a mask. Which brings me back to my original point: anti maskers are more about being antagonistic for no reason other than they want to. You think if that bitch said "oops sorry" and put on a mask she would have been arrested still? Or if she left when asked? 

    You just admitted that businesses should be allowed to ask people to mask up. What do you think is gonna happen when people refuse lmao.
  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,472 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Okay but is that really the world you wanna live in? You can't even take your mask off outside with no one around without getting arrested? I thought you said you used to vote libertarian before Trump. Wtf happened? 
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