Sometimes I feel bad for not making my parents grandparents because I know they'd love it. Then I'm like lolwut
Yea, I've said it before, I've made my mom cry because I told her not to expect grandchildren. She REALLLY wants to be a grandmother, and wants to see me become a parent.
Has anyone posted anything about what happened on loud wire or metal sucks or metal injection or any of the other sites?
No, they're a fairly small and newer band. Great American Ghost are headlining, and the tour is hitting 150-200 capacity bars/venues. I doubt any of those sites even know they exist yet.
My mom hates me for the opposite. I tell her I don't know how I feel about marriage but I want kids lol then she asks how I would have kids without getting married and I tell her I would just adopt. She says they'd live without a grandma lol
I love having kids, but I'm glad I waited til I got my Devils mostly worked out before I had any. I was almost 30 when my son was born. If I'd had him at like 21 or so I would've fucked everything up
I almost died from a burst appendix. When I finally healed up, it kinda clicked in my head all the things I hadn't done with my life and at the top of the list was have kids.
I love being a father but right now we are in that three year old phase where they argue with you about every fucking thing.
Jamey what do you want for dinner? -quesadilla! you got it.
10 minutes later jamey are you going to eat your dinner? -No! why not? - I don't want dinner! -I Don't want a quesadilla! - *screaming*
..... fuck this you can starve then you little shit, I'll eat the fucking thing.
Half hour later. - dada, I'm hungry....
you know what fuck you you fucking fuck.
People talk about terrible twos and I'm just like why didn't you warn me they turn to shit for a period of time where they are three. Some days I want to punch the little fucker but I can't because I love him and I'd feel horrible for having done so.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I love being a father but right now we are in that three year old phase where they argue with you about every fucking thing.
Jamey what do you want for dinner? -quesadilla! you got it.
10 minutes later jamey are you going to eat your dinner? -No! why not? - I don't want dinner! -I Don't want a quesadilla! - *screaming*
..... fuck this you can starve then you little shit, I'll eat the fucking thing.
Half hour later. - dada, I'm hungry....
you know what fuck you you fucking fuck.
People talk about terrible twos and I'm just like why didn't you warn me they turn to shit for a period of time where they are three. Some days I want to punch the little fucker but I can't because I love him and I'd feel horrible for having done so.
I want nothing to do with kids.
Good luck to my brother.
I'm proof enough.
Jamey what do you want for dinner?
you got it.
10 minutes later
jamey are you going to eat your dinner?
why not?
- I don't want dinner!
-I Don't want a quesadilla!
- *screaming*
..... fuck this you can starve then you little shit, I'll eat the fucking thing.
Half hour later.
- dada, I'm hungry....
you know what fuck you you fucking fuck.
People talk about terrible twos and I'm just like why didn't you warn me they turn to shit for a period of time where they are three. Some days I want to punch the little fucker but I can't because I love him and I'd feel horrible for having done so.
One thing weed is really good at is making you want to punch toddlers less.