there are plenty of cheap hotels in vegas for sure. the main problem in this case is the ticket prices and the fact that hard rock is absolutely not one of said cheap hotels lol.
yeah fuck that. I when i went to cleveland and detroit last year we stayed at a some hotel that was pretty nice in Cleveland. We used one of those priceline like sites though. In detroit we stayed at the MGM because of the casino and we payed like 349 plus tax and like a $200 deposit. it was really nice but fuck.
it ended up working out though. My buddy had karma on his side. He called this chick on back page in Cleveland. She was actually pretty hot but anyways...this chick comes to the room with a body guard. my buddy pays like 180 bucks or some shit like that expecting to get a blow job. Anyways the body guard takes off after he paid. Shes starts asking him what hes looking for and hes told her "all i want is a fucking blow job" he was fresh out of a decent long marriage where his wife wasn't the "blow job" type. I shit you not when he got the balls to call and she said she was on her way was like a 5 year old opening exactly what they wanted for Christmas.
So after he told her what he wanted she says "im not that type of escort. theres no physical contact" ))))))))))) his face had the look of a child opening a wooden train set for christmas when he was hoping to get a sega genesis. His heart literally sank in this mans chest. She got naked and we all ended up talking and getting high for the hour ))))
SO anyways the next day karma was on our side. between 4 people we played craps from 7 pm to 7 am and the least amount one of was up was 1k.
that weekend was one hell of a story.
oh also if you're ever in cleveland don't call chloe
unless I win the lottery or one of the grand prizes, Im staying across the street for 71/night or excalibur for 66.
So after he told her what he wanted she says "im not that type of escort. theres no physical contact"
SO anyways the next day karma was on our side. between 4 people we played craps from 7 pm to 7 am and the least amount one of was up was 1k.
that weekend was one hell of a story.
oh also if you're ever in cleveland don't call chloe
unscrew a cap of water and youre out 12 bucks
so i told her " so you want to come in here and completely fuck up our hotel room with oil and not even blow the guy?
Overkill - The Grinding Wheel
wildernessking - levitate EP [CS]
Also this Iron Reagan candle that smells like weed