Maybe try play and volume down just for shits and giggles idk. There should be a way to do it. Or you can try to exchange it depending on where you got it. If that's not an option you can try to buy another new one and return the old one in its place. Or just call it a loss and get something else.
it wont obey lol. my friend is gonna try to connect his phone to it, and if his works, im gonne sell it to him for ten bucks and a couple pills lol. then ill only have to pay 15 for a new one.
Unpair = hold down play/pause & + volume simultaneously until light blinks rapidly on Jam+
You try holding play plus volume +?
I think I just got a defective model honestly. all the reviews on this thing are really praising. aside from its loyalty issues, its been terrific.
fucking technology how does it work.