For the record, there is no poop, but don't let that stop the jokes. Somedays poop would be better than what they get going on over in the main plant. That's where all the nasty shit is. I have my own office in my own building all to myself. I change chemical totes once in a while, and monitor water pumps, and test water quality going out once every 2 hours, and fill out a couple of computer reports. It's the easiest gig ever.
>3 branches to environmental dept >wastewater (me) >rendering (aka the nightmare factory, where the true horrors are) >grease recovery >grease recovery guy told me he got email from Brad >both other departments now offered rotating Saturday shifts >still no email to me >you're welcome you fucks
I'm waiting for the post about the others being pissed about getting their over time taken away and actually having to go spend time with their families that they try to avoid.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Was talking to a dude at work about trying to find tool posters and he's like I bet you I could find them for you don't spend that stupid amount of money. Stfu dude if I can't find them after looking you aren't finding them in one search.
I bought a new lens I'd been eyeing for a while, with the Sleep show last night being my first test run with it. I also switched from Photoshop to Lightroom for editing. @SATAN@OPP@Dime@slap or whoever, think you could lend some constructive criticism on these 3 photos? I asked someone on FB and they just gave me the bullshit "omg these look amazing" response, which I'm not buying. I Figured you guys would be better at giving constructive criticism than any friends or family.
i'm no photo critic and those look like good shots to me lol. if there is any way to put a lil light on Matt on the first shot that might look better idk
Their lighting was pretty odd, but his side of the stage was definitely the darkest at times. I did try to lighten up the first one, but it made it look a little rougher. Still messing around with it, though.
me: oh it sucked. some guy titty fukkt the biggest titties on earth. but hey i found this great article on NewZzzland u know the place where fun comes from.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
>3 branches to environmental dept
>wastewater (me)
>rendering (aka the nightmare factory, where the true horrors are)
>grease recovery
>grease recovery guy told me he got email from Brad
>both other departments now offered rotating Saturday shifts
>still no email to me
>you're welcome you fucks
>did 20 years for it
>has new wife
>she probably listens to what Randy says
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
me: oh it sucked. some guy titty fukkt the biggest titties on earth. but hey i found this great article on NewZzzland u know the place where fun comes from.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)