French accents suck and Gojira are a hipster-ish Lamb Of God rip-off band - and yet you lame fuckers think Gojira will blow Mastodon off the stage?? Ha, cue Bad News Barrett......
French accents suck and Gojira are a hipster-ish Lamb Of God rip-off band - and yet you lame fuckers think Gojira will blow Mastodon off the stage?? Ha, cue Bad News Barrett......
Gojira is mediocre at best, nothing special. I dont think theyre a LOG ripoff but i think we all kno LOG is far superior. And I wasnt impressed at ALL, fucking ALL with Mastodon's perofrmance at Mayhem last year - setlist sucked. THey kicked ass in 2012 tho. Nd also Kvelertak is better than Gojira. Ill be at this show Chicago date of the tour, hopefully none of those lame ass stoner wannabe pricks show up, ya know the stupid fuckers who are into "beard metal" and masturbate to wolfmother records in their moms basement. Im sure u fucks know something abt that shit.....
People get pumped for Mastodon?
I never understood that either
Learn new things everyday I guess
If Beef is the new Dirtball then Hybrid is the new Will.
I am the one and only. No one else compares.
Gojira > LoG
Gojira > Mastodon
real talk
if you like dick
Rex be like "DevilDriver>Mastodon"
And we laugh and laugh...
They are the two best metal acts going
Devil Driver
On the real doe, you guys need to stop slobbin' on Mastodon's knob. They're not bad but goddamn.
Yeah I don't even listen to devildriver
But yeah DD live show > mastodons garbage live show
I'd def rather listen to mastodon on album doe
Now I really have to go. Fite me irl? :-?