Whoever programmed the helicopter handling needs to kill their self. Shit is WOAT. You can't fly the son of a bitch without looking drunk. I looked this up and I ain't the only one. It's so terrible that a lot of people are seriously thinking that it's bugged and Rockstar will release a patch.
Whoever programmed the helicopter handling needs to kill their self. Shit is WOAT. You can't fly the son of a bitch without looking drunk. I looked this up and I ain't the only one. It's so terrible that a lot of people are seriously thinking that it's bugged and Rockstar will release a patch.
Lol those people are bitching just to bitch...trust me I have been on the gta forums forever and that's all these people do
Helicopters should be hard to land....ever try it IRL?
See I also wanted to start watching Breaking Bad on Netflix tonight also. Never have I seen 1 episode of it but from what you guys post and how FB explodes on it it seems like a must watch.Shit..I didn't watch lost till 2 years after the last episode ended and I loved that show. I watched every season in a week and a half. Went through Lost withdrawels
all in favor
Say I
Helicopters should be hard to land....ever try it IRL?
Stop pickin on me [-(
my wife siad I can't sell it..Jack plays with it from time to time but there is 1 here for 39 bucks