Okay so after looking up a few videos on YouTube, I now see that kicking this bitch out is gonna be a process lmao. Because even using the time travel method, it can take hours of resetting. Unless I were to get lucky and she specifically wanted out on my first try.
So I think what I may do is jus let time pass normally and when she naturally asks me to leave I’ll let her.
But wit that said, I now have 8 out of 10 villagers. I didn’t even put up the last 2 houses yet.
So to be clear, if I’m doing the NMT mystery island method of trying to get a specific villager after I sell the land to put up new property, I only have until the end of that same day to try and move somebody in otherwise it will automatically randomly generate somebody to move in the following day, correct?
Want to be sure before I buy a bunch of tickets because if so then I know that I need to buy at least 20 tickets and binge it and won’t have the chance to do it leisurely at all.
Go forward 30 days. Then go back to the real time day.
Then advanced one day at a time.
30 days gives you the max amount of chance to have a thought bubble. If its someone you wan to keep then advance another day. Then keep going until it lands on that one.
Or dont TT bur follow the same method. Its a 15 day cool down from when the last villager moves out.
Shit I’ll check when I get back home. Not sure off hand.
Tried the 15 day method and nobody was even walking around wit the bubble no matter how many days I went up smh so I gave up for the moment. Tried 30 tickets and didn’t get a single villager I wanted and now I’m outta Nook Miles. 🤦🏻♂️ Did run into Zucker and wanted to pull the trigger on him but I already have an octopus so I said fuck it.
You also want to set the time of day to a time of day when people are out and about. 30 days forward, then 30 days back. Then one day at a time forward after that until it lands on one you want.
Made 2 million this week myself. Prolly gonna repeat the process til I hit 10 million then jus chill cause I’ll financially be able to do anything at that point lmao.
my phone is being gay. Its on tagbacktv page on youtube
So I think what I may do is jus let time pass normally and when she naturally asks me to leave I’ll let her.
But wit that said, I now have 8 out of 10 villagers. I didn’t even put up the last 2 houses yet.
Want to be sure before I buy a bunch of tickets because if so then I know that I need to buy at least 20 tickets and binge it and won’t have the chance to do it leisurely at all.
chance to have a thought bubble. If its someone you wan to keep then advance another day. Then keep going until it lands on that one.
Tried the 15 day method and nobody was even walking around wit the bubble no matter how many days I went up smh so I gave up for the moment. Tried 30 tickets and didn’t get a single villager I wanted and now I’m outta Nook Miles. 🤦🏻♂️ Did run into Zucker and wanted to pull the trigger on him but I already have an octopus so I said fuck it.
thats the going rate