nice! todd tried to hook me up with bamboo but only gave me crafting material lmao.
I have an effects rack in anyone is interested to catalog. once my phone is charged i can post all the stuff i have in storage if anyone sees anything they like.
Starting work on a waterfall entrance to my yard/house area. Fuck this game is in desperate need of so many quality of life changes. transforming and placing items is a bitch when you cant accurately predict which square its going to go into.
Where do you even get turnips lmao I think I got to the point where it was explained but due to my hiatus I forgot. I know I never got a single one yet tho.
Sunday before noon your time a pig with a turnip hat will show up on your island. You can buy turnips but you have to sell them to nooks cranny before the next Sunday are they go rotten. Price to sell at nooks changes twice a day (before and after noon)
Input the daily pricing on that site i posted and it will predict what price you will get all week. Be careful because its possible to lose money on turnips. If your price sucks you have to visit someone elses island to sell
I just need a drumset and giant gong to build a tool stage
I have an effects rack in anyone is interested to catalog. once my phone is charged i can post all the stuff i have in storage if anyone sees anything they like.
Stardew valley did this so well.
Use this to predict prices for the week