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MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,010 spicy boy
I have much to discuss but dont want to ruin it for people. 
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  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    Shut up Ed
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,010 spicy boy
    Kill yourself 
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,010 spicy boy
    Why are there random posts in here?
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  • DimeDime Posts: 10,239 destroyer of motherfuckers
    The fuck was that epilogue?
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,010 spicy boy
    Right? I thought this was the last one and they didnt wrap up some major plot points, mainly WTF IS THAT BOX, and also the Maleficent subplot. Now Im left with more questions than anything. 

    Big ass bait and switch that this was the last one. 
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  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,010 spicy boy
    My overall thoughts, Im gonna unload:

    What I liked: I loved it overall. The combat was the best in the series. And they incorporated everything added from past games, with exception of drive forms and reaction commands. Magic was actually fun and viable. Summons were cool. The Gummi ship was actually fun this time, and even had secret bosses (which were hard as fuck, but I killed them) Being able to swap Keyblades on the fly made combat more interesting. Being able to upgrade Keyblades meant you could keep the ones you liked longer (my favorites were the Kingdom Key, Classic Tone, Wheel of Fate, Ever After, and Starlight), but I felt ALL the keyblades were fun to use and viable based on preferance. I liked the new worlds and was happy to see Pixar and Marvel get some love. I felt the story was very fitting for the franchise, even if Im mixed about the ending. I loved seeing all these characters come back and interact. 

    I loved that line: "Pain is being human, Xemnas"
    "Really? It must take incredible strength"

    What I didnt like: I thought it was too short. I would have liked to see some more Disney worlds. There were A LOT of cutscenes, and most were long too. I wish we could have played through those segments instead of just watching. I would have loved to have done some fights with all the Keyblade weilders present, that would have been badass. The random inclusion of Ephemer at the end came out of nowhere and was weird. I wish Drive Forms and reaction commands came back, the Keyblade forms are awesome and fun, but I did miss Final Form and being able to duel wield Keyblades. 

    I felt like Inversed and Nobodies were just thrown in and didnt really matter like the Heartless do. Also wish the incorporated some Nightmares/Dream Eaters, because those were fun. 

    The plot was kind of out there and definitely muddied up how simple 1, CoM, and 2 were... but they've been complicating it in every game ever since so whatever. Kairi was still completely useless though. 

    Ending: That final world was nothing but badass fan service. I loved it. Fighting along side Riku and Mickey, and the BBS team, and bringing Xion and Roxas back to fight with Axel, it was so cool. Keeping Ansem, Xemnas, and young Xahanort for the final 3 was a great idea since they've been the big bads, though I think Marluxia deserved a spot there too. 

    The final fight with Xahanort was awesome, but the way it ended Im not a fan of. He went out as some misunderstood hero, dying in the arms of his old friend Eraquis. It took away from that "BIG BAD" feeling, and I literally said "what the fuck?" out loud. After how evil and absolute Ansem and Xemnas were until the end, it was weird to see Xahanort kind of give up, and say he was trying to do the right thing. 

    Also mad they didnt wrap up the Black Box subplot from Union X, nor did they wrap up Malificent's story. Also WTF Xigbar is Luxu? It completly changes how I feel about The Master.  

    I felt very emotional during the final scene when "Dont Think Twice" played as everything wrapped up, and legit teared up when it showed Sora disappear from Kairi's side. 
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  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,010 spicy boy
    Overall I'd rank them:
    Birth By Sleep
    Dream Drop Distance
    Chain of Memories
    358/2 Days
    0.2 Birth By Sleep: A Fragmentary Passage
    Union X
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  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,010 spicy boy
    Secret movie was weird too... Why did Riku have a red eye? There's definitely going to be a new game, probably series. 

    Side note: Aqua and Larxene are waifu af 
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  • DimeDime Posts: 10,239 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I like. I'll unload, too.

    Gameplay; Overall, Sora is smooth to control and I loved being able to switch keyblades on the fly. I think that was the saving grace because it added variety in a game that I felt, while not necessarily lacking in gameplay, could have done better. I'm really not a fan of the attraction commands. The group attacks are fun at first but in a game already muddled with clips, lengthy sequence set ups for these things was annoying. Finally, I felt like the way they presented them made them have no challenge. I never ever felt like I needed to actually think about which attraction or team attack to use because I was able to use them all lol wish that was made more urgent. However, there is alot of variety and it plays so smoothly, even if it is just mashing x. 

    Story; Roughest part, honestly. When it finally gets to Kingdom Hearts, it kicks ass. After you rescue Aqua, the game picks up and just never stops and it's amazing and engaging. Problem being, for most of the game you're just traipsing through Disney Lands with no real purpose and no real interaction with the story, save a couple tid bits. I get they wanted to build an epic finale, but due to it all being at the end, I almost never felt like I was playing a grand finale until the end. There was no sense of tension or build up. If they just would've spread it out more and it would've been better if you at least fought an organization member here or there. It gets so overly convoluted with all the expositing they do to try to catch you up that I never felt stakes until the end. But when it got going goddamn was it good. The end was near perfection though I do agree they kind of fumbled Master Xehenort. 

    Worlds; I liked most of the selection. However, I found the ones I had the most fun playing were the ones that strayed from the movie (Big Hero 6, Toy Story, Monsters Inc) with a few of the other ones, namely Frozen and Pirates you were just kind of milling around waiting for the movie to happen. Sora was really just thrown to the background and it's painfully obvious, especially in Pirates. Though I really did love how open it all was and it was a blast exploring most of them. Some of the side shit though. Everytime they stopped to do a side activity (looking for Olaf's body, dancing around in Corona) I couldn't help but think "Do they really have time for this shit?" I liked the increased party cap though and besides 100 Acre Wood being a total rip off, I did enjoy most of the worlds. 

    Characters; Another one I had minor gripes with. I never felt Sora matured or grew. He was kind of an idiot most of the game. The highlight has always been Donald and Goofy and again, they nailed it here. It would be so easy for them to be throw away but they add so much and I'm grateful for it. I was always an Axel fan and he was great here, too. Liked Riku alot, really the only other one I didn't like was Kairi. I really thought they were gonna finally break her out of her shell but yet again she remained completely useless. Also, why was Maleficent even in the game? Seriously. It also really bothered me that they called Remy little chef lol he had a fucking name. Some of the dialogue delivery is a little stiff but that's to be expected and it was far and away improved over the other titles. I found it hilarious how even the characters noted the story was a mess sometimes. 

    Visuals/Music: Absolute perfection. It looks stunning and the music was on point. Absolutely zero complaints here and definitely the best part of the experience. It was all so intricate and well woven. 

    Overall, it was surreal being able to finally play this. Despite everything, I still love the series and it's very near and dear to my heart. I have alot of fond memories. I wish it could have been what I hoped for but with the delay and hype surrounding it, it wasn't possible for this to live up to it all. Honestly, the end spurred all kinds of feels and it really had an impact on me. 

    P.s. I would smash the fuck outta Aqua. Yeah. 
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,010 spicy boy
    Yea I agree with most of that 
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  • DimeDime Posts: 10,239 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Still crazy to think we actually got a conclusion to all that. But seriously. Can you explain what the fuck was up with Xigbar at the end?
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,010 spicy boy
    Right? Xigbar wasnt even that important in 2, and all of a sudden he's Luxu?
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  • DimeDime Posts: 10,239 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Doesn't make sense but I suppose that's a long line of things that don't in this series lol literally Master Xehenort, Young Xehenort, Ansem, Xemnas or even Terra Xehenort are wayyyyyyy more important. I'd buy one of them being Luxu. Obviously Master Xehenort can't but you get what I mean. 
  • DimeDime Posts: 10,239 destroyer of motherfuckers
    They would take 14 years to come out with a game and end it on a cliffhangar. I think my exact words were "Mannnn, suck my fucking dick."
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,010 spicy boy
    It was technically only 6, but yea. 

    I wonder if the rest is going to be explained in a sequel or in DLC 
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  • DimeDime Posts: 10,239 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Between main titles I mean. But yeah. Namura said DLC is definitely possible but not until everyone has had time to absorb the game. 
  • Stoned_CatzStoned_Catz Posts: 34,915 jayfacer


    blue turbins

    From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)

  • Stoned_CatzStoned_Catz Posts: 34,915 jayfacer
    Edly isnt even a black guy


    blue turbins

    From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)

  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,010 spicy boy
    Dime said:
    Between main titles I mean. But yeah. Namura said DLC is definitely possible but not until everyone has had time to absorb the game. 
    I hope they expand on the plot though and arent just like "fun what-if worlds"

    Like a Riku campaign. Something that either expands what other characters were doing, or continues into what the box is and where Sora is. 
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  • DimeDime Posts: 10,239 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Yeah I think it's way to much to hope for a continuation for the black box thing because they can milk that into several more games. But it would be nice if you got to play with Sora to find Kairi. I hated that they didn't conclude that. 
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