That's because there's no chicks in the band for you to drool over you fucking pedo and the boner you get from watching Robert Smith dress like an old goth woman scares you.
That's because there's no chicks in the band for you to drool over you fucking pedo and the boner you get from watching Robert Smith dress like an old goth woman scares you.
Five Finger Death Punch - worst band in general. Their fans are annoying as fuck
Deftones- worst live show I have ever seen
puddle Of mud/ Wes I just can’t respect or understand how anyone could want to book this dude/band with him not showing up to things.
Phil/ All That Remains - phil is a piece of shit. Suffers from napoleon syndrome and is one of those that only cares about gaining new fans and catering to them
The Faceless - not only are they boring as fuck live but dude is an addict with a revolving chorus of band members. They book shows a lot then it’s amazing if they make a third of those shows. I’m not cool with leaving fans hanging like that.
I didnt include any pop/rap/country as I simply don’t care for whatever is being playing on top 40 radio from those category’s that would annoy me.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
mansons not a good guy but at least had a great period of being kickass in his career as well as a brilliant lyricist.
gene simmons can suck my dick fuck that guy.
tony from phobia is a huge woman beating, sexist douchebag
lars is a laughable character with stupid ass opinions. didnt james basically have to teach him how to drum too?
lucas who does stuff for OFWGKTA is a prick
michael amott from carcass/arch enemy was a piece of shit to me during an interview, and I later learned hes not a very well-liked dude.
Luke Bryan
Cardi B (I don't even know who the fuck this is and she pisses me off)
Billy Joe Armstrong
Wendy Dio
Calm the fuck down little fella
Deftones- worst live show I have ever seen
puddle Of mud/ Wes I just can’t respect or understand how anyone could want to book this dude/band with him not showing up to things.
Phil/ All That Remains - phil is a piece of shit. Suffers from napoleon syndrome and is one of those that only cares about gaining new fans and catering to them
The Faceless - not only are they boring as fuck live but dude is an addict with a revolving chorus of band members. They book shows a lot then it’s amazing if they make a third of those shows. I’m not cool with leaving fans hanging like that.
I didnt include any pop/rap/country as I simply don’t care for whatever is being playing on top 40 radio from those category’s that would annoy me.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
but holy fuck that’s some awful music