I was always turned off by Shoots & Ladders. Their second album was a bunch of that so I lost interest. Ball Tongue and Lies still jam though
Just generally curious where you're equating Shoots & Ladders to the materiel from Life Is Peachy. I'm not particularly fond of that record but I'm wondering where you draw the compariosn. I don't really hear it for the most part.
It's just the childish shit. It makes it hard for me to give a shit about your crying, my-stepdad-raped-me shit when you turn around and have something stoopid af like Shoots & Ladders on the same album. On Life is Peachy, they had that Adidas song, the Lowrider thing, the Mike-Patton-aping Twist "song". It just turned me off. The songs like Good God that I did like got drowned out. That stuff and a lot of shit they did down the line was aimed at the LCD crowd. I don't know who they court elsewhere, but where I lived, Korn turned into the go-to band for the trailer trash crowd until ICP popped up. They're like the soundtrack for meth addiction now
Even Korn admits that one is dumb. They're doing some 20th anniversary shows for Follow The Leader and they're playing almost the whole album, minus the ones that even they say are stupid lol.
"Naturally, this rampant sordidness also resulted in music that’s come to embarrass Davis in later years, particularly the album’s most controversial track, “All in the Family,” a duet of sorts between Davis and Durst that devolves into a lame iteration of the dozens of songs punctuated with homophobic slurs. When Korn performs three Follow the Leader anniversary shows next month in San Francisco, L.A., and Las Vegas, “All in the Family” won’t be included in the set list, Davis says.
“We were fucking out of our minds, insanely drunk and high when we did that,” he says. “It’s like that scene out of Boogie Nights, when they were all fuckin’ on crank and they’re like, ‘No no, this is the best shit ever!’”
(Davis also dismisses “Cameltosis,” an unfortunate exercise in self-explanatory juvenilia featuring Tre Hardson of the Pharcyde. “What the fuck was I fucking thinking? I was 27. I was still really immature,” he says.)"
I haven't heard a Korn song in like 5 years. They're one of those bands that I really enjoyed as a kid and teenager but i just can't get into them anymore.
Idk they've always been/still are one of my favorite bands and I get where you're coming from though. I can honestly say I don't dislike any of their albums.
“We were fucking out of our minds, insanely drunk and high when we did that,” he says. “It’s like that scene out of Boogie Nights, when they were all fuckin’ on crank and they’re like, ‘No no, this is the best shit ever!’”
(Davis also dismisses “Cameltosis,” an unfortunate exercise in self-explanatory juvenilia featuring Tre Hardson of the Pharcyde. “What the fuck was I fucking thinking? I was 27. I was still really immature,” he says.)"