Those botched shirts we ordered a few years ago are popping up at thrift stores, so the shirt guy must have donated them. So we have misprinted bootlegs in the wild. I saw someone with one on, on Saturday and was like "wtf?" And someone messaged me today saying he bought one.
On one hand, cool free publicity. But on the other, we arent making any money on these, so Im about to go full Lars.
New EP is coming along nicely. Just finished drum editing the other day. Bass and rhythm guitar are slated to be tracked in a week or so. Shooting for a late November/early December release.
All 7-string songs. Some of my best song writing, imo.
Only got to say hi for a second but when I saw MC at Megadeth I walked up waving my hands and yelling "Hey Aren't you the singer of From Those Ashes?" )
Here's a riff demo for what will be the single. We're getting together with a film guy about making a music video for it once it's ready. This demo is unmixed, and is lacking lead guitar and vocals. But it's just a teaser. It's unlisted and I'll be taking it down after a couple days.
On one hand, cool free publicity. But on the other, we arent making any money on these, so Im about to go full Lars.
All 7-string songs. Some of my best song writing, imo.
Will be finishing rhythms this week.
Leads in a couple weeks.
Solos after that.
Then vocals.
Making progress.
Voice of Sylas / Hate Unbound / From Those Ashes / 3130 / Cocaine Culture
Lead guitars getting tracked on Saturday.
Here's a riff demo for what will be the single. We're getting together with a film guy about making a music video for it once it's ready. This demo is unmixed, and is lacking lead guitar and vocals. But it's just a teaser. It's unlisted and I'll be taking it down after a couple days.