And idk running from merch table to merch able in Denver while rex thought I was an idiot wasn't pretty fulfilling.
When I went to Colorado for PTM, they had posters for both nights but they were extremely limited. The first one I nabbed was at the club show. There was only one merch booth, it was a 3d pre framed poster limited to five. Hand painted by john. It was also one of the cheapest I've ever bought. They certainly broke even at best. Fucking love those guys outside of their self acknowledged sellout album. Supposedly they had one for the red rocks show but it was only at one booth and I didn't see it. I grabbed a local natives red rocks poster though.
Baroness had hands down the most expensive posters I've ever bought. They weren't even show posters, they were tour posters and they just had the purple artwork. The most annoying part, this stretch Armstrong ass cunt I sarcastically messages them on fb about it and they didn't even respond.
1 - it was a dope poster 2 - everytime poster is posted, you or Rex have to say some other poster is better 3 - don't post pic of ">" poster 4 - fuck you
I sarcastically messages them on fb about it and they didn't even respond.
1 - it was a dope poster
2 - everytime poster is posted, you or Rex have to say some other poster is better
3 - don't post pic of ">" poster
4 - fuck you
Look what you have become.
alabama >>
we love ya man. Dont hurt my heart saying mean things like that.