Before I ever left, I talked about how I loved that show posters are making a comeback. That is still mostly true...but my like for a lot of them has diminished. They're everywhere now. Most bands no longer number and limit them and Most of the time they aren't signed by the artists. Now they're mass printed to as many as they can sell. The upside is that I longer have to worry about getting one but there's also zero feeling of accomplishment.
I'm moving out pretty soon but here is the large majority of my collection. I think I'll drop the setlists and go for something a little less chaotic. I've those setlist have been up for like four years.
I love the idea of posters, but displaying them just seems like the pain in the ass. Artwork is cool doe
I mostly agree. I've actually really enjoyed creating and painting frames for most of the posters. But as big as they are now, it's almost impossible to keep up. I'm sure when I have a place I actually want to settle down, I'll keep it a bit more simple and keep folder for the rest.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)