I liked the Hoenn region set a lot though. I will admit nostalgia is what attatches me to the first set so much lol can't Fuck with then after like the 4th gen
Okay this shit is fuckin sick lmao. So there's a hotspot by my crib at a pond that currently has a lure set, I show up and there's literally like 20 people there playin this wit a shit ton more showin up 1 after 1. This has literally taken over the world.
Yo this shit is hilarious. Its midnight here and i saw a Cubone pop up in the apartment building next to mine so i put on shoes and hop outside real quick and find it and these 2 dudes and a chick are also outside on their phones.
So i ask "you guys playing pokemon?" and they're like "yes! Have you seen a Cubone?!" So i point them in the right direction and they all take off running )
Luckily the water tower on my work building is a Poke Stop so I can amass pokeballs all day at work
The building i work in plus the buildings on either side of it are all pokestops. Shitty thing is the building i work in is huge and it says i'm too far away if i'm in my office
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
So i ask "you guys playing pokemon?" and they're like "yes! Have you seen a Cubone?!" So i point them in the right direction and they all take off running
Got a Beedrill tho. \m/