Also, the Graveler doesn't surprise since you in CO by mountains, but I'm shocked I personally haven't come across even a single Geodude. The regular games were flooded wit em jus like Rattatas and Pidgeys.
Huge pokemott gathering tomorrow downtown. Someone started t with their friends and it turned into the like 4.5k person event. Def going to stare at booty
I want to evolve my Haunter into Gengar next. Still need about 15 more Gastlys though.
Lucky. I've yet to see a Ghastly or Haunter. I need 3 more Abras for an Kadabra, 7 more Caterpies/Metapods for a Buterfree, and 7 more Pikachus for a Raichu
Tonight was the best night of this game by far. So there's a park by my house which has 2 PokeStops and a gym all right by each other. So it's like 8 mfs there, all red squad. So we all decide to take over the gym and now have the strongest gym I seen thus far in my city.
Then one of em who's on a skateboard, crosses the street over to McDonald's, comes flyin back and tells everybody "YOOO THERE'S A CLOYSTER IN THE MCDONALD'S DRIVE THRU." And sure enough:
Then on my way home on the next street over from mine, a car stops and is like "You playin Pokemon? There's a Lickitung like 200 feet behind us. And boom:
And and then the dopest egg hatch I've had yet to top it all off:
I know this is gonna be short lived besides the most dedicated players, and in even a month you ain't gonna find everybody out playin it like right now.
But man this really is a beautiful and fascinating thing to witness while it lasts. How such an innocent and childish thing has taken over the world. Amongst all the back to back confirmations that the world is shit over the past few weeks, this of all things is uniting quite literally almost everybody. It goes beyond the game in that aspect, especially due to the time it dropped.
Every time my phone turns off the screen for battery saver the app freezes too. Probably won't be playing longer, or at least won't give them more than the 5 bucks I threw them if it doesn't get fixed soon.
Also, the Graveler doesn't surprise since you in CO by mountains, but I'm shocked I personally haven't come across even a single Geodude. The regular games were flooded wit em jus like Rattatas and Pidgeys.
Still pumped about this. But lame as fuck that he only has 34cp
Just about to goto bed and this mother fucker popped up down the road.
Then one of em who's on a skateboard, crosses the street over to McDonald's, comes flyin back and tells everybody "YOOO THERE'S A CLOYSTER IN THE MCDONALD'S DRIVE THRU." And sure enough:
Then on my way home on the next street over from mine, a car stops and is like "You playin Pokemon? There's a Lickitung like 200 feet behind us. And boom:
And and then the dopest egg hatch I've had yet to top it all off:
But man this really is a beautiful and fascinating thing to witness while it lasts. How such an innocent and childish thing has taken over the world. Amongst all the back to back confirmations that the world is shit over the past few weeks, this of all things is uniting quite literally almost everybody. It goes beyond the game in that aspect, especially due to the time it dropped.