So much shit went down. I kinda miss those fun filled nights. Chuck sliding down his stairs, Matty Lite and Grimey going off in their own world together with bird is the word or some Electric 6 shit, Mags being Mags, Eriks mom on cam, me eating a whole box of twinkies after smoking a few bowls with distance, etc etc etc.
Distance and Jag came to this death trap/prostitution stronghold hotel in toledo to hook up. The kind of place that changes its name and tries to repaint it to bury the fact that numerous people have been killed there haha
if i had a choice though of either taking all of them back or none of them back it would be tough though. Would be nice to have some more traffic and dumb cunts to laugh at.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
when he came back and cried cause we were mean to him