My emotions are a wreck. I had a dream I got back together with my ex last night. I wish I would have talked my issues out with her before jumping to dumping her.... Its probably too late to make amends now. I feel like I made the biggest mistake of my life
I want to, but those same issues of doubt and uncertainty will persist regardless. We need time to figure things out, and to have a discussion of what we really think and feel. Im going to talk to her. But I need to figure out how to bring it up, and also what I want to come out of it.
At the very least, she's still being friendly and supportive towards me. So at least there's that for now.
I feel like you’re going to end up making a mistake going back to her if you already have these doubts.
If it is meant to be things will just kind of work out on their own over time. Trying to force it or talk it out won’t really change anything. Time apart is where you’ll find your true feelings. And by time apart I mean absolutely no contact
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I just picked up the gift. She's hella sick right now. Like was wearing a face mask and stuff. But she wanted to get me some things. Got me some awesome beer, including a big bottle of Amber Smashed Face, and some shirts.
At the very least, she's still being friendly and supportive towards me. So at least there's that for now.
If it is meant to be things will just kind of work out on their own over time. Trying to force it or talk it out won’t really change anything. Time apart is where you’ll find your true feelings. And by time apart I mean absolutely no contact
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Making me agree with FF and shit.
Damn you man.