Im just gonna become a willing cuck now. Fuck it. "Go ahead and fuck her. Just let me talk to her for a little while first" "Oh she fucked you cuz she got drunk off my alcohol? Youre welcome"
MisogynistCrusades didnt work. MetalChadsades isnt working. So gonna try MetalCucksades.
All I want is for a girl to want to talk to me. If she ends up fucking some other guy after we talk, no sweat. But Chadding it up isnt working. That #leftonread2018 #ghosted2018 #nomatches2018 life isnt for me.
Been a solid week on Tinder/Bumble. No matches. Im not even gonna give it another week. Shit's stupid and people obviously don't like me on there. It was a mistake. Con girl consistantly pops up multiple times a day on both too to remind me of how much of a failure I am. Thanks internet.
Tinder is fucked up now. If you swipe right too much you end up not showing up in peoples Que because of the algorithm. Youre over thinking this man. Theres not anything wrong with you. These insecurities you have popping up are stuff everyone feels from time to time.
Like dude. Im gonna be 30 in a couple weeks. Im fat. Im going bald. I have no license. My dad is my roomate...and im not claiming to be some chick magnet, but chicks still talk to me lol. Iv got a good job and thats about it. Like iv told you before they arent judging you based on how you look. Its about how comfortable you make them feel. After that they start to find parts of you that you yourself may find unattractive to actuall Be “cute” or “unique”
what you need to do is work on yor confidence. Instead of beating yourself up abput things you dont like about yourself when you have negative thought try to think of 5 things you like about yourself . i know its hard man but just trust me on this one. Iv havent talked about it a lot, but i have been struggling hard the last 18 months with anxiety and depression. But i refuse to let it control my life. I work every day hard to overcome it. Youre gonna have to as well man.
Someone isnt going to magically walk into your life and fix all your problems. Thats on you. And You probably wont get into a positive relationship until you work out some of these things. I know it sucks, but life wasnt meant to be easy, and anything worth keeping wont come without a lot of work.
Heres just a little bit of what i try to do. These are two quotes that i put on my desk for when im feeing overwhelmed, or like i cant do someting. Or if im afraid to do something. I look at these and they motivate me. It might seem stupid. Were all different, but for me this works. Try to find something that inspires you and works for you.
"Go ahead and fuck her. Just let me talk to her for a little while first"
"Oh she fucked you cuz she got drunk off my alcohol? Youre welcome"
MisogynistCrusades didnt work. MetalChadsades isnt working. So gonna try MetalCucksades.
All I want is for a girl to want to talk to me. If she ends up fucking some other guy after we talk, no sweat. But Chadding it up isnt working. That #leftonread2018 #ghosted2018 #nomatches2018 life isnt for me.
I just want a girl to show any remote interest in me at this point.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
what you need to do is work on yor confidence. Instead of beating yourself up abput things you dont like about yourself when you have negative thought try to think of 5 things you like about yourself
i know its hard man but just trust me on this one. Iv havent talked about it a lot, but i have been struggling hard the last 18 months with anxiety and depression. But i refuse to let it control my life. I work every day hard to overcome it. Youre gonna have to as well man.
Someone isnt going to magically walk into your life and fix all your problems. Thats on you. And You probably wont get into a positive relationship until you work out some of these things. I know it sucks, but life wasnt meant to be easy, and anything worth keeping wont come without a lot of work.
Ill hve to find a different spot for it doe