-Stop leaving the lights behind the action. It washed out some of the interiors really bad and silhouettes the actors
-It looks in places like you have a spotlight mounted on the camera. Kill that shit. It makes the entire video look like TMZ shot it.
-That girl is such an over the top bad actress that you should just go ahead and have her break the 3rd wall and address the audience directly at some point
-The black dude shouldn't be apologetic. It's too dorky. It's funnier if he strait up sells the anger.
-The entire thing is "so odd it can't be bad" which is good because it makes the jokes that don't sell seem intentional. I'd amp up the weird. It's trendy now. The frog should've been a puppet and had it's own dialogue in frog with subtitles to translate.
-One of you needs to go full frontal. Nothing says "We don't give a fuck" better than fat dude dongs. Put a black bar over it for content and don't acknowledge it
-Never wear clothing with a bunch of writing on it. It's distracting to the audience. People have fucking ADD so bad now that they easily get caught up paying attention to shit that don't matter like that and miss the dialogue
Good feedback @SATAN Havent watched the clip yet as i gotta find time to watch in it's entirety plus my dial up Internet connection is slow this morning
-Stop leaving the lights behind the action. It washed out some of the interiors really bad and silhouettes the actors
-It looks in places like you have a spotlight mounted on the camera. Kill that shit. It makes the entire video look like TMZ shot it.
-That girl is such an over the top bad actress that you should just go ahead and have her break the 3rd wall and address the audience directly at some point
-The black dude shouldn't be apologetic. It's too dorky. It's funnier if he strait up sells the anger.
-The entire thing is "so odd it can't be bad" which is good because it makes the jokes that don't sell seem intentional. I'd amp up the weird. It's trendy now. The frog should've been a puppet and had it's own dialogue in frog with subtitles to translate.
-One of you needs to go full frontal. Nothing says "We don't give a fuck" better than fat dude dongs. Put a black bar over it for content and don't acknowledge it
-Never wear clothing with a bunch of writing on it. It's distracting to the audience. People have fucking ADD so bad now that they easily get caught up paying attention to shit that don't matter like that and miss the dialogue
Thank you. I appreciate the honest feedback. Lol we really didn't want this to be another video of all sausage fest....again. ) I finally delivered on the man boob promise to this site. Might be a while before the dong thing. I appreciate you taking the time to watch and leave feed back, man. Thank you.
Dime will be excited to see so many new comments and feedback about his you tube clip when he logs in next time.......but then again.....just another day at MU
Exactly what I thought ) like no way the video generated this much response. Todd and Erik, kill yourselves.
Dime will be excited to see so many new comments and feedback about his you tube clip when he logs in next time.......but then again.....just another day at MU
Exactly what I thought ) like no way the video generated this much response. Todd and Erik, kill yourselves.
Maybe someone should create a thread where faggots can argue about nothing at all.
Dime will be excited to see so many new comments and feedback about his you tube clip when he logs in next time.......but then again.....just another day at MU
Exactly what I thought ) like no way the video generated this much response. Todd and Erik, kill yourselves.
Dime will be excited to see so many new comments and feedback about his you tube clip when he logs in next time.......but then again.....just another day at MU
Exactly what I thought ) like no way the video generated this much response. Todd and Erik, kill yourselves.
Off yourself fat fuck. Video sucked. F confirmed.
) you actually made me double take for a second. My brain said the comment was Erik but my eyes saw Todd.
Dime will be excited to see so many new comments and feedback about his you tube clip when he logs in next time.......but then again.....just another day at MU
Exactly what I thought ) like no way the video generated this much response. Todd and Erik, kill yourselves.
Off yourself fat fuck. Video sucked. F confirmed.
) had to double take. Looked like an Erik comment, but it was coming from Todd.
Good feedback @SATAN
Havent watched the clip yet as i gotta find time to watch in it's entirety
plus my dial up Internet connection is slow this morning