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A small request for the forum

DimeDime Posts: 10,239 destroyer of motherfuckers
So in one of my classes we have to provide an example about breaking the norm (do something unusual that "you don't see" everyday). I asked if I could turn my response in as a video. I don't know if I have said this on the forum yet, but me and my friends have a video series (kinda like a skit show) called Chi-Town Fat Fucks. Usually its skits, but we did a Halloween special a few days ago. The main cast (me and my group) will be the six pictures seen at the intro (Bob, Chris, Moe, Evan, Nick, and Chubs). So we basically parodied Scooby-Doo and Chubs (half toad/half frog) is our Scooby. We gave him the persona of a redneck trog who likes to lynch people. We had some friends guest star, wrote out a script, and I will be presenting this to the class Monday. I was hesitant (admittedly) of posting this here because well shit you guys are pretty critical =)) but no fucks given now. I know I am fat and hideous. So let's throw that out there. Its a decently lengthy video so please if you have the time I would appreciate if you watched and gave your opinions. I know they will be honest because I don't know anyone on here irl so no one will sugar coat shit. Basically I just want to know if you thought it was something funny that "broke the norm" and if it kept your interest. I will gladly assumes "ky" is implied for the negative comments so please keep this strictly video centric comment wise. We don't get much views, but its something we've been doing for years and something we enjoy so....yeah. Thanks for anybody who takes the time to check it. WARNING: This is by no means child friendly and contains vulgar language, explicit topics and nudity. Thanks again.


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