idk... only times ive jammed earth and sunn sober is for writing papers/studying or sleeping. they entrance the mind but standing up for over an hour of just riiiiiiiiiffffffffff is something ive not done.
I'm not super into drone and never go into sunn or earth but if i were to see them live, i think merely being in a room and getting blasted with loud guitar would be enough for me, high or not, especially since they're master craftsmen of tone. I just get meditative. as far as stoner/sludge/doom/funeral doom goes, I listen to the records sober more often than not, so I don't feel the need to get high going in, because I know I'll enjoy it plenty if i'm not stoned. and honestly, I'd rather see funeral doom bands sober because if I'm too high and saw a band like bell Witch or Aldebaran i might dose off lol.
Yeah im such an introvert in large public settings in that situation ( excluding sporting events) that its hard for me to let loose and have a good time if i am sober.
My mind just goes 150mph in different directions. If I go see concerts sober, I get bored and start thinking about other shit. If I'm buzzed, I kinda absorb the music better. Specifically anything slow. I definitely wouldn't wanna see 8 slow bands play in one day and not be buzzed. I'd go mad with boredom
if you do it though, good on ya.
no respectable normal person would do it.
concerts are like the only place I'm an extrovert.