So a little back story. My group has been doing drinking contests for about five years. The first one was real simple. 15 beers in 15 minutes (that's where the clip of Eddie falling through the table comes from). We went on to do a few more but the one fight everyone always wanted to see was Eddie Vs. Rob Vs. Myself. Never worked out though. I've faced Eddie (that's where I won the golden beer bottle lol) and Rob has faced Eddie but all three were never a thing. We were over them. They're dangerous and stupid and you just feel like shit after. But all three of us got together and talked and basically decided to do one last one for the group. The Battle Of The Titans. Rob Vs. Eddie Vs. Me. Here's part 1. If you're interested check them out. I dont remember shit after part 3 so it was all new to me lmao it legit gets insane with some very memorable quotes my group is gonna meme til we all die
concern for Dime’s liver intensifies