I think u all are equally retarded, BDM sucks dick and is generic wannabe cannibal corpse jsut like cattle decap is, and Tool is overrated and inconsistent
lol, of all the bands you could accuse BDM of worshipping, you say Cannibal Corpse? Get the fuck out of here you stupid, dumb, idiotic, dysgenic, imbecile.
Yeah i said them at cattle decap are wannabe cannibal corpses. THeres barely any shit in the death metal & associated subgenres area today that is original or innovative, only a few
Yeah i said them at cattle decap are wannabe cannibal corpses. THeres barely any shit in the death metal & associated subgenres area today that is original or innovative, only a few
Yeah i said them at cattle decap are wannabe cannibal corpses. THeres barely any shit in the death metal & associated subgenres area today that is original or innovative, only a few
Cattle Decap > CC > TBDM
Regardless though, you're the worst troll ever. Stahp.
I think u all are equally retarded, BDM sucks dick and is generic wannabe cannibal corpse jsut like cattle decap is, and Tool is overrated and inconsistent
Carcass blew them off the fuckin stage
lol, of all the bands you could accuse BDM of worshipping, you say Cannibal Corpse? Get the fuck out of here you stupid, dumb, idiotic, dysgenic, imbecile.
Yeah i said them at cattle decap are wannabe cannibal corpses. THeres barely any shit in the death metal & associated subgenres area today that is original or innovative, only a few
You're talking about 3 completely different bands you dumb fuck
You are literally an idiot
Red In The Sky Is Ours > every TBDM album
You should try listening to a BDM album some time
Nocturnal > Deflorate > Miasma > Unhallowed > Everblack = Ritual
Cattle Decap > CC > TBDM
Regardless though, you're the worst troll ever. Stahp.
I have them all on my ipod (studio ones, anyways), and ATG's first album >
I don't believe you
I don't believe that you don't believe me
fuck if I knew my comment was gonna spark this I would have just stfu