I was talkin bout Todd. But yea, they're kind of an acquired taste. I saw em' live first and became a fan right after. Didn't really like the vocals at first but hot damn their instrumentals and song writing ability won me over. Then I slowly liked the vocalist more and more. Trevor's an awesome dude. Also, the lyrics are pretty fuckin good. That kinda helps too.
atg>atg wannabes
why cuz they were first?
They have one album, albeit it's the best album if the genre possibly.. As a whole
Bdm> atg
BDM sucks
Fuck that was worlds fastest flag....I'm on mobil. But I'm assuming it's torpedo...Uirate
They're alright nothing amazing but there better than every single metal core or deathcore act I've ever heard
Yup and they all suck as well
I can dig the instrumentals...they ight....then that fat fuck opens his mouth
K Todd
I like artists that use a range if vocal styles and Bdm does that.. Sometimes tho they're just a little to frantic and all over the place or me
Groovy > melodic/technical
He's still slobbin' on Tool's knob.
Id check them out live if it was cheap and in my city maybe it would change my feeling. But there is nothing special about them.
I was talkin bout Todd. But yea, they're kind of an acquired taste. I saw em' live first and became a fan right after. Didn't really like the vocals at first but hot damn their instrumentals and song writing ability won me over. Then I slowly liked the vocalist more and more. Trevor's an awesome dude. Also, the lyrics are pretty fuckin good. That kinda helps too.
I don't doubt they're cool guys....hell they grew up not that far from me...just not something I listen to