all I said about the new song was that Tom's vocals sounded a bit off to me. I still love Slayer.I dug World Painted Blood. I'm gonna pick up this album when it drops.
My Sabbath comment was more about I think old bands can still make good music. i legitimately like Maiden's (since you mentioned them) newer stuff. A lot. The Final Frontier, Brave New World, Dance of Death, and A Matter of Life and Death all rule imo. Are they as good as their old stuff? Probably not. But as you said, what band is?
slayer need to call it quits, Im sorry. they were one of my favorite bands for a long long time, and still are one of my most respected bands. but between tom's aging, and losing two lifelong members in the past two years, its time to hang up the war ensemble and celebrate what theyve done.
Why is this conversation even being had? Satan doesnt even like Dio or any Maiden material anyway. So how can he be an unbiased judge on how they've progressed through their career?
slayer means so much to me and did so much for me throughout my life, that a mediocre song like this aint gonna change shit about how I feel about them. I mean...goddamn, this really aint as bad as it could be. Bottom line happy to still have em' round (in a respectable form)
I have a feeling this is the last one though. Doing it for jeff's sake and shit. PENILE! Good to see ya! Gotta admit killed me with "mastadong". I heard you scurred. Hid from greg at ghost! Just saying what I heard...dont shoot the messenger! P.s that new shroom song aint all that, sounds like icp. Im less than thrilled nigra.
and 1 more thing...dope, mrh, and green-jello will trump all? Hahaha! You do know the haunted is coming out with a new one soon too dont you? That is the be-all end-all! Give a listen if you dont believe. Tot_@!¥ gr_aNDi-ose. Know what im sayin? Home-g slICe oF CheEsE?
honestly the only reason I ever somewhat get excited for old bands releasing new albums is for the fact that there will be a world tour to promote the album meaning I get to go see them live. Other than that I tend to give these albums 1 or 2 listens and then move on
all I said about the new song was that Tom's vocals sounded a bit off to me. I still love Slayer.I dug World Painted Blood. I'm gonna pick up this album when it drops.
slayer need to call it quits, Im sorry. they were one of my favorite bands for a long long time, and still are one of my most respected bands. but between tom's aging, and losing two lifelong members in the past two years, its time to hang up the war ensemble and celebrate what theyve done.
Why is this conversation even being had? Satan doesnt even like Dio or any Maiden material anyway. So how can he be an unbiased judge on how they've progressed through their career?
slayer means so much to me and did so much for me throughout my life, that a mediocre song like this aint gonna change shit about how I feel about them. I mean...goddamn, this really aint as bad as it could be. Bottom line happy to still have em' round (in a respectable form)
Agreed beef....but it aint like saint anger bad!
I have a feeling this is the last one though. Doing it for jeff's sake and shit. PENILE! Good to see ya! Gotta admit killed me with "mastadong". I heard you scurred. Hid from greg at ghost! Just saying what I heard...dont shoot the messenger! P.s that new shroom song aint all that, sounds like icp. Im less than thrilled nigra.
And please don't respond with...your the grandiose god we jerkoff to at suppatime or some shit. (Thanks in advance!)
nah dude, he's The One Lurking in Your Vagina Currently.
and 1 more thing...dope, mrh, and green-jello will trump all? Hahaha! You do know the haunted is coming out with a new one soon too dont you? That is the be-all end-all! Give a listen if you dont believe. Tot_@!¥ gr_aNDi-ose. Know what im sayin? Home-g slICe oF CheEsE?
b.s haunted is in Europe all summer.
At least he only used dashes and underscores in two words this time....Still didn't read the whole thing doe.
for real. havent been to the states in five years, new singer that doesnt hate america joins, no american tour. blow me.
Dont worry.....they'll be coming. Probably after the album release near the end of summer.
this pretty much sums up how I feel
Slayer "lost it" with 'Christ Illusion' IMO