If the biggest problem is just her perception of weed, a good place to start would be to have her watch a documentary or two about it. See if you can get her to watch the Dr. Sanjay CNN weed special or The Union on Netflix for starters.
I smoked with 2 of my friends parents before I smoked with mine. I was politely silent and discreet about puffing for a couple of years before it was open but they knew.
First time being busted by my mom was fucking hilarious. I had maybe 4-5 people over at the house getting stupid baked. UP had just taken a big time pull off the bowl when my mom walked into the room. He was still holding the hit in when she grabbed the bowl from somebody else and cashed it out in the ashtray. She said she wasn't gonna take the pot, cuz if she did she would just smoke it herself, but she didn't want us smoking it in her house because she wanted no responsibility for people doing it in her home, and if we were gonna smoke, we had to smoke somewhere else. Every time she wasn't looking at UP, he would let out a little puff of smoke from the hit he was holding in. It was so fucking hard to not just crack the fuck up at him blowing out little puffs of smoke like fucking dragon. As she left, she says to UP "You can blow out the rest of that hit out now, I see ya back there ya know"
Not parent related. My friend goes "Dude I'm watching my aunts dogs for the weekend, we're cool to blow down there." So I go there, and we're smoking for a good couple of hours and all of the sudden there's a rattling at the door as I'm holding the bong. We're not expecting anyone, and I just freeze with the thing in my hand. His aunt opens the door and just eyes fucking wide. Holding the bong I just look at her and say "I was told this was okay." She freaks out, yells at my friend and says we have to go. Only reason she came back was for her meds that she had in her purse. She left and we continued smoking lol
First time my dad found my stash and my shitty pipe was with all of my shit. So he ended up calling me upstairs and when I walked into my room I was like "shit I'm caught". He looks at me and told me "get a better pipe because this one fucking sucks" then he turned around without saying another thing and left my room. From that moment on I have left my shit out loud and proud.
my mom found my pipe and stuff in my room once and just put it in my closet.
Chill parents \m/
Its stories like that that make me realize no one gives a fuck.
"You're in here getting my dog fucking high"
we all make eye contact
"No we weren't"
We all took turns blowing smoke in his face the entire time, he liked it.
Yeah im done smoking in my parents house. Just courtesy.
And from that day on I role pearls
That's why you buy a joint roller..