Seeing SS at Mayhem was like watching a cover band, I just couldn't get into them like before. Eddie is cool and all but it's just not the same without Mitch.
I disagree. There is some recent stuff i love but i also became a fan more recently. I do wish they would mix it up a little better and include early stuff more. I would really like to see behind space and coerced coexistence live.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
That's actually the bar I went to when I wore that shirt
ky George. You agree with Jake saying "no" about checking out Carnifex, but flag me for saying "no".
Holy shit! Carcass, Macabre, Exhumed, and Noisem at the Crofoot \m/ \m/ \m/
Also will def be hitting up that BDM tour just will try not to show up until Chelsea Grin is done
the bar it's at has two separate rooms. The front is a pinball/ can't even really hear the music up front
Carcass show looks nasty.. Thanks for hitting the east...
fuck i'd kill someone to get a date for that Carcass tour
>TBDM playing a medium bar here
>Cool, might check it out
>Suicide Silence and chelsea grin
better save the cash for letlive
I'd go see them before that tour package.
0 ill watch ss. no time to bleed was good and ive seen them twice with mitch.
my text is about to turn black isnt it.
Seeing SS at Mayhem was like watching a cover band, I just couldn't get into them like before. Eddie is cool and all but it's just not the same without Mitch.
tas/emmure tour. Inb4devinblowsaload
none of those bands >
In Flames should just abandon everything in their catalogue after 'Clayman'. Esp for that tour