I'm to the point where I ready to tell courtneys step dad to fuck off he isn't allowed around my kid. He is one of the biggest pieces of shit I have ever been around. He is just all around an asshole and very selfish. Example, say its Courtney's birthday and her mom gets her a gift her mom also has to buy a gift for him or he gets pissy similar to what a child would do. His brother is in prison for molesting his daughter and he blames the child. He is also racist. Drives me crazy. I haven't said anything because I don't really want to be the one to start the drama.
Anyway, a couple of weeks ago we went to visit Courtney's mom. Our niece and nephew of ages 3 and 1 were there. He has no medical issues so that's not an excuse. While we were there he decided he wanted to get high and did so in front of the kids. Now I've become pretty laid back when it comes to weed I just don't care if you want to smoke go for it its not my life to make those decisions with. When he did that it made me mad as fuck because I know it would be the same with my kid there.
This got me to thinking what are others thoughts on some thing like this and it goes for drinking too when you're supposed to be taking care of kids. Do you get pissed or just not care? Shitty move or not to do it?
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
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If he only knew.
and smoking would be outsider or in another room as well.
I made this thread to see what people thought about drinking or getting high directly in front of young kids. I personally feel it should not happen. If something were to happen to my kid because someone was fucked up while watching them I'd probably kill them. You want to get high or drunk don't do it around the kids. That's just me though.