There's like 3 girls left on this forum and 2 posted their moms. In contrast, there are like 20 guys and only 2 have posted moms :-?
my mom passed away last year. I have a pic of her but when I look at it it makes me very sad. I still struggle with it from time to time. Nobody loves ya like your mom.
"I was looking at it from this angle: It's not wrong for Christians to drink alcohol as long as they don't get drunk, so would smoking marijuana in moderation also be okay?"
I've only smoked once since Jan. Liked it too. I quit for numerous reasons but main reason is because I knew I was gonna be looking for a new job and wouldn't you know it. THEY DIDN'T TEST ME! wtf
I couldn't believe it that they didn't test me. They called me in today to fill out some paperwork and shit.When I got in there I noticed 2 boxes on the desk I was like..YUP that's piss bottles in there but low and was a phone for me and the other was a commercial GPS unit. SWEET! I start this place on Monday.
Read like 4 posts and I'm seriously fucking irate now. Fuck Christians. Fucking brainwashed morons.
Holy shit
It's coming from my lighter as I hit this bowl.
Negative..I go out monday early and come back Tuesday night..go out wed. early then come back Thurs. night..Fri Sat Sun off..SWEET!