That to. I also think it depends on specific cities you live around. I thought I read the other day cincy was ranked in the top ten cities for the foreseeable future with jobs and just general things to do around the city. Could be wrong though
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Jersey has beaches/boardwalks for summer, fishing/hunting year round, 25% of the state is woods and lakes, affordable living, cheapest gas in the US, close to major cities like Philly and NYC, great schools, public transportation if needed throughout the state (unlike facefuck who can't get a ride to iron Gayden), casinos we have Atlantic city, not to mention every single band/show/tour comes within a 50 mile radius, so keep hatin fagz, I'll never leave this area.
That to. I also think it depends on specific cities you live around. I thought I read the other day cincy was ranked in the top ten cities for the foreseeable future with jobs and just general things to do around the city. Could be wrong though
we uh...dont have a boardwalk anymore, George and the only reason people hunt so much here is because we provided the ideal habitat for white tailed deer they like to be on the edge where field meets forest and we made that with all of the development Jersey is ok but im starting to see pros to moving out west
It was just city planning and how they've built up the area around the baseball and football stadium along the Ohio to try an attract more people to the city
Suck my dick faggot. Gas across the bridge as soon as I get into south jersey right now is $3.37....
Gas here be $3.40 and that includes major gas stations
and the only reason people hunt so much here is because we provided the ideal habitat for white tailed deer
they like to be on the edge where field meets forest and we made that with all of the development
Jersey is ok but im starting to see pros to moving out west
California there's no reason anyone should hate. It's awesome and has a bit of everything.
Great bands are from Texas and it's like AZ with more green
Jersey is black metal
NY is sweet
Technically haven't been to PA but it also looks black metally
FL I've been to and I liked it. Probably couldn't live there, though.
Arizona minus Phoenix valley=GOAT