sh1ttalker and hybrid are real. not sure about thor, he just went ghost when asked who he was.
kyle was a faggot dude got my dick stuck in his mouth out of nowhere and fucking suffocated. why that nigga vanished.
No I didnt fucker. I answered him in the other thread where he asked the same question. For the last time I am the DimebagDallas guy you invited over here from the Mayhem boards when you told us about this place and how it was full of pussies and fags and it needed some new members that weren't boring.
Thats right we were told by more than one person on those boards that everyone on here was extremely gay and we could man things up. they were right i didnt know it was full of harry potter fans and warped tour guys
according to Wikipedia- Pantera and Sepultura are metalcore also. The term is thrown around way too much anyway. Is metalcore a negative? Does metalcore mean they have clean vocals mixed with screams? does it mean break downs instead of a chorus? people will define it in many ways. I dont think bands even care and as a fan I dont either
Pantera may have influenced metalcore bands that does NOT mean they are metalcore. We have talked about this before but to me metalcore is hardcore punk influenced with repeated breakdowns and a fanbase that seems to be overly male friendly. I will admit that my knowledge of metalcore is limited cause it's not my thing and I lump all of them together in the same category and don't listen to any of them except LOG and KSE which I will listen to occasionally. Mostly I just like fucking with metalcore fans and trying to make them cry and defend their sexuality.
still not going though, warped is assrapingly expensive