Kick ass set but I'm sick of them teasing Somebody Someone. Want to hear it full. Sub Love & Meth for Prey for Me and Never Never for Lullaby for a Sadist. Two way stronger and better tunes of the new album. Rather hear Way Too Far or Narcissistic Cannibal of Path of Totality. Get Up! is Meh. Bleeding Out would also be amazing but they usually don't play those kinds of songs live. Looking forward to all the rest of it, especially Spike in my Veins & Coming Undone. Nice that they're throwing that in again. Fun live one. Finally, wish they would play Evolution or Bitch, We Got a Problem again. Great tunes. All in all, pumped as fuck for Korn again. Adam said:
Besides never never the set is awesome.
Never Never is okay. There are just many stronger options from Paradigm Shift they could play Prey for Me, Paranoid and Aroused, or Lullaby for a Sadist.
the only time i saw them brick in the wall and one were played and it was the best part of their set. they are terrible live. but then again im not a korn fan in general
all bad
Might go :-?
I'm all set
Besides never never the set is awesome.
he hates shane
Haha that dude was a faggot. He always shows up on my you might know people on facebook.
Why does Adam hate shane
I don't hate him haha he just gave me a lot of shit .
Kick ass set but I'm sick of them teasing Somebody Someone. Want to hear it full. Sub Love & Meth for Prey for Me and Never Never for Lullaby for a Sadist. Two way stronger and better tunes of the new album. Rather hear Way Too Far or Narcissistic Cannibal of Path of Totality. Get Up! is Meh. Bleeding Out would also be amazing but they usually don't play those kinds of songs live. Looking forward to all the rest of it, especially Spike in my Veins & Coming Undone. Nice that they're throwing that in again. Fun live one. Finally, wish they would play Evolution or Bitch, We Got a Problem again. Great tunes. All in all, pumped as fuck for Korn again. Adam said:
Never Never is okay. There are just many stronger options from Paradigm Shift they could play Prey for Me, Paranoid and Aroused, or Lullaby for a Sadist.
still waiting for twisted transistor. can't believe they didn't play it at lazerfest.
First album in full of gtfo :!!
The first time I ever saw Korn they played this killer set.
Guess who's back. Real dick move banning me
Asking Alexandria set list:
Don't Pray for me
Run Free
Break Down the Walls
The death of me
Moving on
Killing you