I guess Jason has his own solo project now. I know he's been in others before. This is his new song. It's actually not bad. Catchy, I might check the other songs on the album. Any thoughts? http://youtu.be/4kRWwxCPyjw
better than alot of other shit out there that people love
Ok I'm not saying this just cause Gary made this comment, but yeah...it's pretty annoying when people defend groups/artists by saying "well other people like worse shit".
Just because there's worse shit out there doesn't make Slap's comment false. You could use that defense against literally any artist that isn't ICP.
better than alot of other shit out there that people love
Ok I'm not saying this just cause Gary made this comment, but yeah...it's pretty annoying when people defend groups/artists by saying "well other people like worse shit".
Just because there's worse shit out there doesn't make Slap's comment false. You could use that defense against literally any artist that isn't ICP.
It's just an opinion..nothing more nothing less...I'll be honest..alot of the (I don't wanna call it) new metal just doesn't turn me on at all. I have a hard time listening to new bands because none of them do it for me. Maybe it's just me. But when I clicked this vid on I made it through like 75% of the song before I turned it off.
Also remeber before you all kill me with the term "new metal" back when I was younger there was metal..rock..rap..country and filter in the stupid shit. There was no New metal..Death metal..melodic metal etc...it was metal or it wasn't..all these different genres now get me all confused
The thing that bothers me about thinks that people only know it exists because Newsted is in the band. If any other band out out the same material, nobody would give a flying fuck.
The thing that bothers me about thinks that people only know it exists because Newsted is in the band. If any other band out out the same material, nobody would give a flying fuck.
Surprisingly it was much better than I expected.
if you want to listen to the whole thing:
reminded me of Motorhead a little bit. Very old school feel
Just because there's worse shit out there doesn't make Slap's comment false. You could use that defense against literally any artist that isn't ICP.