My favorite show right now next to The Walking Dead. I can't wait until March for the new season. I stopped with Breaking Bad in the middle of season 4 and meant to go back to it but didn't because I was introduced to this show XD.
So I've been rewatching the show with my roommate for the past couple weeks because he hasn't read the books and wanted to catch up before season four. During the Red Wedding, when the musicians start playing The Rains of Castamere, he stormed out because he instantly knew what da fuck was going down
Watching it with my roommate too. I haven't finished season 3 yet, so once we hit like episode 5 I'll be heading into new territory too. We just watched episode 2 of season 3
^ I found out about that theory through a youtube comment. It's convincing enough that I thought the comment was a spoiler until I found out the books haven't confirmed it yet.
spreading the disease
Fuck this show. Fuck it to all seven hells.