"I like my serenade except the screams aren't anything to write home about and the singing is full of fail. Howar does this song in every way better life to lifeless is alright. And one or two others I can't remember"
I would be willing to bet that you havent given AOJB a full listen in your life.
you know as many times as ive seen killswitch ive started to fall away from them but seeing clips of jesse and the thought that i might get a change to see him with the band has got me excited about the band again
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I just don't like power that much.
gave it a listen before i saw the name lol
Hey man what are you listening to?
oo hmm okay then
hey man want band are you going to see tonight?
oo you ain't right boy
what's that shirt say? Fairyland?
just don't hit on me dude.
ive heard n seen worse bands
never seen a shirt n dont think theyve ever been to the states.
i see youre point, ape
life to lifeless is alright. And one or two others I can't remember"
I would be willing to bet that you havent given AOJB a full listen in your life.
Even on Howard's songs.
Jesse shined so much more than Howard did, but the combined effort really made something special.
I'm not too big of a fan of the band's material, but he really shines in it.