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Torrenting Thread

Da_MuffinzDa_Muffinz Posts: 2,972 balls deep
Just curious as to what people use as their downloading software but most of all what programs do you use for blocking your IP and other lists? I'm fairly new to this. On my laptop I have Vuze and PeerBlock. I'm trying to do the same on my home computer but PeerBlock is down so I can't get it on here. Trying to find new shit.


  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Vuse and Peerblock are good starts. I use Peerblock and for a client I use Transmission. Honestly I am not too sure how useful Peerblock is.

    To really protect myself though, I am very selective about where I download torrents from. Open sites like The Pirate Bay, Kickasstorrentz, etc are dangerous as hell... And I treat downloading anything from places like that, the same way I do if I accidentally drop something in the toilet. basically do I want it bad enough that I am going to roll up my sleeve, and reach into that nasty toilet, to grab that thing? 99.9% of the time the answer is no.

    So I have membership on sites that are very exclusive to get into. They have limited membership and to get into the sites you need to know someone that knows someone. If someone invites the RIAA/MPAA/cops/etc and the site owners find out about it because they monitor that shit closely- Then the whole invite tree is flushed and everyone is kicked off.

    I have sites for :
  • Da_MuffinzDa_Muffinz Posts: 2,972 balls deep
    I seem to do alright on both of those websites. Maybe the movies I download aren't as important. That's all I download anyways. Do you have any recommendations?
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    You misunderstand- You can find content on shit sites like the two I mentioned, however 50%-75% of all content on that site is being monitored by the RIAA/MPAA/etc. They are keeping tabs of your IP addresses and records of what you download. Then when the time is right they are going to mail you a letter demanding 10 grand or they will sue you for millions. This has happened countless times. I don't believe Peerblock is going to save you from getting these ransom letters, mostly because the RIAA/MPAA knows about Peerblock so they are always getting new IP's not on the list. They arent completely stupid.

    And yes I have recommendations and would even invite you to the sites I have membership on, if I have invites for those sites. What sort of content are you interested in?

    Honestly though... you really need to stop downloading shit from open torrent places like that.
  • Da_MuffinzDa_Muffinz Posts: 2,972 balls deep
    edited December 2012
    Oh shit uh ok I guess I'll stop that then. Thanks for clearing that up. I'm interested in movies that's it really. It would be awesome to join this website.
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    I'm about to go back into the game downloading business.

  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers

    Oh shit uh ok I guess I'll stop that then. Thanks for clearing that up. I'm interested in movies that's it really. It would be awesome to join this website.

    np... okay. PM me your gmail address and ill invite you to one of my favorite sites that has top notch movie content, a lot of it original to the site, and a very small but very active user-base. Although there are a couple of things you need to know about these sort of sites.

    1. They expect you to "seed" back a minimum amount of time. What this means- When you download something, you must leave it in your client to give people the chance to share it from you. Im not sure what the minimum amount of seed time is, but it's in the site rules (make sure you read them)

    2. To "seed" you will need to make sure that you are "connectable". What this means- Most users these days are behind routers and routers will prevent people from connecting to your client unless you are actively downloading it. So you need to go into your Vuse settings and figure out what port you are configured to use. Then you need to take that port and log into your router and go to the port forwarding section and allow this port to go through your router. If you don't do this, then you wont be able to seed. If you dont seed, you'll be kicked off

    3. When you first join a site like this, it's important to download only "freeleech" stuff. This is content on the site that doesnt add to your download total but does count for your upload total. This is important because you want to have a positive download/upload ratio.

    That's about it. Still interested?

    Also... I am a member at the best TV site on the net. The whole site is freeleech and they have every content you could ever want as far as TV goes. They only have minimum seed times, no ratio requirements. It's my favorite site
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    If you have any questions about that stuff, I can give you better directions with screen shots. The site also has an extensive help section and people are always willing to help
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I have to take off for the night. PM your email and ill hook you up tomorrow.
  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies
    Every thread that involves any kind of online downloading has at least 10 wake comments to every 1 comment made by anyone else.
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  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy
    lol iv had at least 2 letters from my cable company...never got one from one of the places you talked about

    I have come up with a good systems for D/L off of kickasstorrents....i will never take anything that is not at least 6 weeks old (as far as movies) tv shows i don't give a fuck cause once they air they generally don't give a fuck...With movies, wait six the comments...and never d/l the ones with the most seeds/leechers...ALWAYS READ THE COMMENTS....but choose a middle of the pack seeds a couple hundred...this should solve most of your worries
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited December 2012
    Those 2 letters were sent because the RIAA/MPAA sent letters to the cable company telling them you were infringing on their intellectual property. Basically two letters from the cable company means they have two things of proof on you. Im not sure what their thresh hold is, but I gotta believe you are dangerously close to a lawsuit. You should find a better method for downloading.

    Your system for downloading from kickasstorrents is awful. Your best bet for not getting caught is to download stuff right when it hits, in hopes that the RIAA/MPAA havent jumped on that content yet. It's dangerous as hell... And also when you finish downloading, instantly delete it from your client.

    To give you an idea of the differences between your downloading and mine.... I've been into torrents for close to 8+ years. In the last year alone I have downloaded over 10 TB (Terrabytes) of movies/TV/music/etc. I have an average seed time of 1 year (I seed everything I download forever), and have uploaded around 5TB of data (I have a much faster download then upload). In the 10 years I've been doing this, I've never received one letter. Why? Because I dont download from risky insecure sites like Demonoid (RIP) thepirate bay, kickasstorrents, etc.

    have fun with your lawsuits.

    Edit- when you hear directly from the RIAA/MPAA, it will be a lawsuit
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy
    its been over 2 years since i have gotten a letter
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    btw - this christmas your ISP is probably going to start implementing a 3 strikes and you're are out rule. I think it starts in January.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy
    iv learned from trial an error system is pretty full proof now...usually the torrent that just hit are the ones being tacked....the reason for the wait is so you can read the comments from people who d/l it...if its being tracked someone is going to say something about getting a letter

    as far as a say im no where near it considering im not really doing anything illegal enough to hold up in court with the right defense
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    well good luck. Too risky for my tastes, but i hope you are right.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy
    I don't download excess amounts any more any ways....i haven't d/l a movie in forever...the only thing i do is tv shows...and iv never heard of any one getting a letter over a tv show
  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies
    I've only ever heard people having trouble with HBO and Showtime. Shows on a network with commercials are no big deal.
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  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Distance said:

    why do you push that site on everyone so hard?

    The site I "push" is actually multiple sites... And I offer then up because I like the content that is offered on them. I get nothing in return. I just consider you guys friends and want to get my friends into cool sites that I have managed to work my way into. The site that Muffinz wants into isnt even my favorite site. It's a good one for movies, but I wish it was run more like the TV site I love.
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