i've voted Republican in every pres election since 92, except this one. In every one, the Dem has won my state by a landslide and my vote doesn't matter. I have learned the errors of my ways and will not ever vote repub or dem in a pres election
I thought about voting for Bob Dole in the 96 election, because everyone kept telling me I would be throwing my vote away if I voted for Perot. But on election day when I was staring at the ballot I thought "hey, why would I vote for this asshole? I'm not even certain that Dole would be better then Clinton, so I'd be an idiot if I voted for him" I then filled in Perot, and have never second guessed voting for who I believed in ever since that day.
Edit - ) you voted for Bob Dole. that's funny. Could the R's find a candidate who had a larger stick lodged up his ass?
Yes, i did vote for Dole in 1996. for me it was a lessor of 2 evils. Clinton closed a couple of military bases that were important to me and i based my vote on who would be the best Commander in Chief of the armed forced. In hindsite, Dole was a tool....
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Gary Johnson (Libertarian)
I think there should be a law where if someone says "if so-and-so wins the election, then I am moving to Canada", and then if that person does in fact win the election, then that person who made that statement should be booted out of the country. This law would have no bias against R's or D's, Im just for holding people to their word
we've already been looking for places in vancouver. i have friends there that left after the '04 election
Vancouver is nice. It's the first place I had an alcoholic drink in a bar. Vodka Paralyzer if I remember correctly. Actually I know that is the case because when I turned 21 that was the first drink I ordered in a US bar, and the bar tender said "From Canada eh" And I said "no, just turned 21" and he said "ahhh... and you've been doing drinking in canada before today ) well we call them Smith and Weston's down here. On the house, happy birthday." \m/
No way I can vote 500 feet from my apartment here because of residency issues. So I'm taking two buses to my house to get my car and go to my designated place to do it.
No way I can vote 500 feet from my apartment here because of residency issues. So I'm taking two buses to my house to get my car and go to my designated place to do it.
) yep. that's how it works. Personally I think everyone should just move to absentee ballots like WA. Actually there should just be an online voting option. everyone in the US has access to the internet and if not go to the library.
we've already been looking for places in vancouver. i have friends there that left after the '04 election
Vancouver is nice. It's the first place I had an alcoholic drink in a bar. Vodka Paralyzer if I remember correctly. Actually I know that is the case because when I turned 21 that was the first drink I ordered in a US bar, and the bar tender said "From Canada eh" And I said "no, just turned 21" and he said "ahhh... and you've been doing drinking in canada before today ) well we call them Smith and Weston's down here. On the house, happy birthday." \m/
if i don't leave, it'll be purely for financial reasons. i'm planning on using the money i was saving to fix my pool as starter cash somewhere else, but it's hard to guage expenses after exchange. the retardation i've seen on display via facebook and other sites over the last 4-5 months makes me want no part of american culture
so this closeted gay guy I know is going to vote for Mitt Romney today and I feel like I have to stop him or else the balance of nature will be upset and there will be a rip in the time space continuum and we’ll all be sucked into a nonsensical dimension where people don’t Instagram their food and Johnny Depp doesn’t star in Tim Burton movies
so this closeted gay guy I know is going to vote for Mitt Romney today and I feel like I have to stop him or else the balance of nature will be upset and there will be a rip in the time space continuum and we’ll all be sucked into a nonsensical dimension where people don’t Instagram their food and Johnny Depp doesn’t star in Tim Burton movies
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Gary Johnson (Libertarian)
The United States of America is a one-party corporatist state whose very existence is perpetuated by a conscious deliberate denial of reality by ‘we the people’. The electoral system is a sham, an elaborate lie, which we participate in from time to time to give the illusion of choice. Today I voted for change from that system, today I voted for Gary Johnson.
The United States of America is a one-party corporatist state whose very existence is perpetuated by a conscious deliberate denial of reality by ‘we the people’. The electoral system is a sham, an elaborate lie, which we participate in from time to time to give the illusion of choice. Today I voted for change from that system, today I voted for Gary Johnson.
Money well spent
Our last female Prime Minister was a hottie