It sucks that he's dead and it's a shame for his friends and family but it's irritating to see everyone being all "Yo Mitch, I thought your band was the worst thing ever and didn't know you but RIP"
It's nice to show respect but it's stupid if you didn't respect the person to begin with.
It's okay doe cuz now Dimebag, Paul Gray, and The Rev have a vocalist
If youre immature maybe. Even if you didn't like his music, its just music. Non fans can still sympathize for him as a father, son, brother, husband, etc.
Anyone whose first thought on the matter is "lol deathcore sucks" needs to get their priorities straight.
It sucks that he's dead and it's a shame for his friends and family but it's irritating to see everyone being all "Yo Mitch, I thought your band was the worst thing ever and didn't know you but RIP"
It's nice to show respect but it's stupid if you didn't respect the person to begin with.
It's okay doe cuz now Dimebag, Paul Gray, and The Rev have a vocalist
lets not lump dime up with the others.
Dimes been jamming with Cliff, and Pete Steele and Vitek
It sucks that he's dead and it's a shame for his friends and family but it's irritating to see everyone being all "Yo Mitch, I thought your band was the worst thing ever and didn't know you but RIP"
It's nice to show respect but it's stupid if you didn't respect the person to begin with.
It's okay doe cuz now Dimebag, Paul Gray, and The Rev have a vocalist
If youre immature maybe. Even if you didn't like his music, its just music. Non fans can still sympathize for him as a father, son, brother, husband, etc.
Anyone whose first thought on the matter is "lol deathcore sucks" needs to get their priorities straight.
Once again, the article only says "motorcycle accident", doesn't say was hit by another driver or anything. Seems like someone was partying a little too hard on Halloween night
If the crash was not his fault then this is a tragedy. If he was being a typical douchebag on a motorcycle, he earned it
It wouldn't surprise me if alcohol was involved, being Halloween night. I'll withhold judgement until autopsy reports are released. Still a blow to the scene, because like it or not, deathcore is very popular, and is becoming what a lot of people see metal as.
Once again, the article only says "motorcycle accident", doesn't say was hit by another driver or anything. Seems like someone was partying a little too hard on Halloween night
If the crash was not his fault then this is a tragedy. If he was being a typical douchebag on a motorcycle, he earned it
"You went to a party and drank lots of beer Instead of sleeping it off, you put your car in gear So I’m not sorry that you died in a crash You got what you deserved, you fucking piece of trash"
but it's irritating to see everyone being all "Yo Mitch, I thought your band was the worst thing ever and didn't know you but RIP"
Just because some of us don't like his music doesn't mean this wasn't tragic, it's sad that a person who inspired thousands of people died. If he was found after an overdose it would be a little different.
but it's irritating to see everyone being all "Yo Mitch, I thought your band was the worst thing ever and didn't know you but RIP"
Just because some of us don't like his music doesn't mean this wasn't tragic, it's sad that a person who inspired thousands of people died. If he was found after an overdose it would be a little different.
So dying by your own hands with drugs is different from dying by your own hand behind the wheel?
There was no mention of a collision. There was no mention of a hit and run. There was no mention of anything aside from motorcycle accident. It says police are looking into it, which means there was no obvious reason for his crash, so they're probably checking his blood for alcohol
Unless he hit black ice in California, he can suck a dick
this is crazy. if it comes out that it wasnt his fault, i have a feeling this will almost be on the same level as cliff burton. motor accident not his fault in one of the biggest young metal bands that was doing something new. obviously metal isnt as big as it was back then but in the metal community it is eerily similar.....unless it comes out he was being a dick motorcyclist.
Comparing a bass player playing bass better than most played guitar at the time to a generic deathcore frontman
if you have ever seen them live you would know that he was anything but a generic deathcore frontman. like his band or not he was a top performer and frontman. he knew how to get a crowd into the show. i said almost the same level obviously cliff was argueably the best bass player in heavy music and mitch is not but he is still one of the best in his respective genre and better than most metal frontmen i have seen.
So he's guilty until proven innocent. And where it say what time the accident was? Trick or treating is done by 8 pretty much everywhere I know.
Why I'm trying to stick up for the dude, I don't know. Probably just because I was looking through his twitter pics and they were all his daughter...and the motorcycle.
Regardless of how this turns out, I think it's a bullshit move to automatically assume he was in the wrong and essentially say that he deserved it without any information on his death other than the fact that it was a motorcycle accident. We get it Brian, you hate his band, but this whole guilty until proven innocent mentality is god damn aggravating. I'm surprised this is coming from you.
Anyone whose first thought on the matter is "lol deathcore sucks" needs to get their priorities straight.
Dimes been jamming with Cliff, and Pete Steele and Vitek
Jake wit another W.
If the crash was not his fault then this is a tragedy. If he was being a typical douchebag on a motorcycle, he earned it
"You went to a party and drank lots of beer
Instead of sleeping it off, you put your car in gear
So I’m not sorry that you died in a crash
You got what you deserved, you fucking piece of trash"
Just because some of us don't like his music doesn't mean this wasn't tragic, it's sad that a person who inspired thousands of people died. If he was found after an overdose it would be a little different.
Unless he hit black ice in California, he can suck a dick
And where it say what time the accident was? Trick or treating is done by 8 pretty much everywhere I know.
Why I'm trying to stick up for the dude, I don't know. Probably just because I was looking through his twitter pics and they were all his daughter...and the motorcycle.