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Amanda Todd



  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    edited October 2012
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod


  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    edited October 2012



    Quote: I accidently pressed "insert" and I had that copied from earlier.

    Typing my thoughts now.
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    But you posted already, so if you had it saved, it would have been deleted.


  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    That's not what I meant.
  • TiradesOfTruthTiradesOfTruth Posts: 8,055 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited October 2012
  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,946 spicy boy
    The reason this girl is such a story is because of all the Internet based hazing. The fact that this shit happens and puts people in these positions is completely foreign to anyone over 40. People are used to teenagers fighting over boys. They're not used to n00dz getting plastered all over fb so everyone can lol @ them. And the fervor at which some of these kids attack others online is alarming regardless of who you are. This kinda parallels what happened to Kiki Kannibal and Jessie Slaughter, but with a more tragic result. So to all of you being like "oh, I know 50 people that killed themselves": you might know that many people that died in such a fashion, but you don't know one that killed themselves under these circumstances, with the same level of hazing...with such a tragic and unnervingly distant homemade cry-for-help video. Does all that make this a bigger tragedy to me? Not really. Does it mean that it's not a terrible occurrence? Absolutely not
  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    Well, my first initial thoughts are, yes, this is a very sad story. It just reassures me these days that kids are complete assholes. Every time I think I might have some faith in humanity, something comes along and reassures me that there is no hope. This video WOULD have been one of those things, but my faith in humanity has long since dwindled.

    I said earlier that at 1:53 I had to stop watching. And I did, for a minute, but I pressed on anyway. You see, I've seen videos like these before (with a troubled teen using flashcards to tell a story) but I never really thought much about them, or pay much attention to them. This is only the second one I've watched all the way through, because something about this one was speaking to me subliminally. It's kind of hard to explain. And at 1:53, I knew what it was. I could have told you where this video was going, and why it disturbs me a little bit:

    This chick has a lot of the same characteristics that my ex does. And as soon as the card that read "anxiety, depression, whatever whatever" popped up, that's what got me. And as soon as she started talking about cutting, the contents of my stomach shifted a little bit. And as soon as she started talking about anti depressants, it did so again. And the suicide attempts.....

    You see, my friends, my senior year was a dark, dark year for me. You might call it high school drama, but you weren't in my place. I went through a LOT, and this video brought up a lot of memories in my mind that I would rather have forgotten. Not necessarily about me, but things I witnessed, things I had to see, things I had to deal with, etc. etc. It's difficult to explain, and by that, I mean it's difficult for me to talk about. And it doesn't matter at all to you guys anyway.

    And unfortunately for me, this girl is NOT the first I've been "involved" with that has these kinds of issues. If it wasn't obvious to you guys before, I'm a person with issues. That's a given. I'm convinced that any girl who's even remotely attracted to me is going to also have some issues....because the only people that are attracted to people with issues are other people with issues. And the only people that people with issues attract are other people with issues.

    It reminded me of a few years ago when I was living in Kalamazoo. This one disturbing memory stands out in my mind more than anything. Keep in mind, I'm NOT above cutting and blood play when it's sexual with your partner, but when you're cutting because you're depressed, that's different. I was at my then-ex's house, with her best friend (who I was having a rebound with at the time) and I watched as they pulled out a pair of scissors and used the same pair to cut each others wrists wide open. I left the house thinking, "What the hell was that about?"

    My second thought is how things like this are always popularlized by social media after it's too late. It's always the same thing over and over again: Chick leaves a suicide note in video form, and a facebook like page pops up and thousands of people who never would have known her "like" it. But this is all AFTER it's too late. One click and a few keyboard buttons and I found her memorial page. If the chick hadn't have made this video, then nobody would have ever known her name beyond her peers. Now that it's too late, she's famous. I guess that might have been what she wanted, to be remembered, but I'm saying, our society eats this kind of thing up like doritos: It's just one more suicide. The camera will make you God for 15 minutes, and the internet will be an insurance policy to make sure the legacy lives on.

    "If you die when there's no one watching
    and your ratings drop and you're forgotten
    if they kill you on their TV
    you're a martyr and a lamb of god"
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    My 2 cents:

    Fucked up and sad, but my sympathy dropped a lot lower due to the attention whore YouTube video. Basically, was a whore, and her slutty ways brought her torment. On the other hand, it proves why I hate most kids my age and how far they'll take shit just for some drama and trouble. But as someone else said, suicides happen every day, multiple times. She shouldn't get some special treatment just 'cause she made an attention whoring YouTube video about it. The shit that sickened me the most is that she put the overdramatic sad Music, clearly shooting for some sympathy.
  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    edited October 2012
    ^Agree to an extent. And since the video is out there, she'll be getting a shitload of sympathy, which she won't be able to appreciate.

    I gotta tell you, after all the cutters I've known through my whole life, I have zero tolerance for people who really do cut and all that shit strictly for attention.

    Makes me so happy I graduated when I did. I'm out just in time.
  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,946 spicy boy
    I dont know why people make fun of girls that post n00dz

    I mean... It makes other girls not want to post them
  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    oh yeah, and on my "thoughts" post,

    *inb4 tldr*
  • GnomezGnomez Posts: 17,552 master of ceremonies
    I dont think she was a whore.
    Poor chick
    I think she was just a fucked up kid wanting some love and attention and someone to tell her she was pretty
    and care about her :-??
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    She did more than fuck and flash one guy.

  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    edited October 2012
    Maybe I should write my high school drama on some flash cards, put it up with some sad music and see how many hits I get
  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    Also though, I would like to say, that pedo that was "following" that chick....That really is fucked up in my opinion. I mean yeah, she shouldn't have flashed him, but why continue to follow her through the web and make her life miserable? What's the point of that? That's twisted.
  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    Oh. Well I must have misread the flash cards then, or misunderstood.
  • Stoned_CatzStoned_Catz Posts: 34,915 jayfacer
    ya but Disty didnt turn into a Prissy unsociable bitchz who loots for attentionz on utubez



    blue turbins

    From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)

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