Mom asked if the festival I was going to was a three day concert and I told her it was the cannabis cup and she was just like "oh it's just a whole bunch of pot"
Made some concentrates using everclear instead of butane... way easier but I dont like the final product as much. Its a bit too runny for me, although there's probably ways to improve my technique and have it turn out a bit better.
found a decent scientific bubbler at a store the other day for 60. not terrible, but since its local glass, Id like to pay a little less than that. 4/20 it should be on sale for 30, maybe 40 at the most.
I dont watch youtube weed videos very much, really only when im looking into the quality of a potential future purchase, so this is pretty trivial... but its stupid how in every one of these videos, its some rap beat they have playing in the background and not anything else. never even heard jefferson airplane or floyd. and its usually some super white bread burnout dude doing the video.
whit trash >
my payment for buying far cry 4. \m/