Nah try acid first. One tab is enough for your first time and you wont have to choke down an 1/8 of mushrooms. They're fuckin nasty. Make sure the tabs are completely tasteless doe. If you get something with a really strong metallic taste its a research chemical like 25i.
Problem is growers find strains they like and stick with them. Sativas in my experience have been more of a pain in the ass to grow.
That's what I've heard. I've never grown by myself, just assisted my friend with his grow and funded a good part of it but he always grows indica's. Once I get my own grow set up, I'm gonna try growing mostly sativa's.
Sativas are more delicate plants, produce less bud, and can take 12 or more weeks to flower. Aint nobody got time for dat.
Most strains these days are a hybrid of the two anyway. SLH is 80% sativa. Chernobyl is another hybrid. Pure genes are had to find these days, but it seems like landrace strains might be making a but of a comeback.
I have some Acapulco Gold beans at home.
>no fluid in lighter
This girl scout got me like
Love watching the nature programs on IPTV after I blaze.