Not holdin my breath but it looks like Im'ma get acid tomorrow. Dude lives like less than a mile away from me so if anything I'll walk and go get that shit.
Anyone have any suggestions on pens? High Times suggests Atmos, but i wanna know what you guys use.
Atmos is a solid choice, but I prefer the glass globe pens. Atmos batteries dont fit other setups.The globes have the same battery threads as e-cigs and most other pens so you can customize them much easier (bigger batteries etc)
The standard batteries look just like atmos batteries, but the thread is a different and less common size. With a globe style pen you can upgrade to the giant batteries with variable voltage, puff counters etc. I'm pretty sure the replacement heating elements are cheaper too, but I'm not 100% on that.
I'll have to double check and see for sure what all I have and if the batteries are still good. Im not sure if I have any clean heating elements, what color (I had black, blue and purple pens with color matching extra heating elements) or if they are all dirty. I'd rather send out a clean one obviously.
Smokin on some bomb Blue Dream at the moment as well
My boys got 2 and a half sheets right now but I'm saving my cash for rolls. I tripped like a week and a half ago anyways.
Maybe I should mail them out. :-?