:-| My friend just asked if I knew where to get any H. I've known this kid since I moved to NC like 8-9 years ago and he was one of the first kids I met and hung out with all the time. We even go to the same college now on the other side of the state and we're still pretty close. I don't wanna be tellin people how to live their lives but I know 2 kids who have OD'ed on this shit and I've seen what it does to people. One of my friends died and the other is permanently brain dead thanks to H. I know he's just gonna say "but you do a lot of drugs too" but Id never touch that shit. Damn I wish people weren't so stupid some times.
My friends were reckless with it. The night my friend OD'ed, he took 6 bars and shot at least half a gram. I remember talking to him earlier that day. Fuck heroin.
you still living in the same spot? Hows Matt?