I'm talking about where I'm from. When I lived in the suburb they would mess with you. But where I live now the Grand Rapids city cops never really gave a shit. Obvz they are even more lienient with it being decriminalized but iv always just smoked right out in the open and never been messed with.
You just get a citation down here. They'll slap the cuffs on and act like you're about to get a life sentence but its just a lot of court fees and other shit. 250 for court, around 150 for the mandatory drug classes, and a few other taxes. It came out to be a little over $420. Fuckin bullshit.
Yeah you still get buttfucked by the law in decriminalized states. Nigga found like .1, a stem, and a shitty pipe and I gotta pay $420 for it. I got charged with possession of up to a 1/2 ounce and paraphernalia. I didn't even have enough for another bowl pack.