my 2 1/2 foot tripple perc biohazard bong tipped over and broke at the base.. it was just chillen like in the corner of my room and out of nowhere i heard a crash... just my fucking luck.. a 300-400$ piece and i got it for only 100 bucks.. smfh
Search the net or ask around at your local headshops. One of the shops by me blows all of their glass in house. When I went to get some custom glass made for my Incredibowl, the Guy was in the back working on repairing a broken bong (he was adding a new tube to a bottom bubble) I had never even considered that a bong could be repaired, but he said it depends on how and where it breaks. If you really can't find anyone in your area, I can get his info to ya and you can email some pics to him and see if its worth shipping out.
Peace out for a little while Mayhem Forum. I have come to realize that this forum is not for me. The only thread I care to visit is the Marijuana thread anyways. Most all the other threads are just completely fucktarded. I'm sure I won't be gone for good,...but at least for a little bit.
Peace out to the ones that are cool, and fuck off to the bastards that are bastards.
a day later....
This thread will disappear quickly now that I rarely visit this site anymore.
Gotta take a test in twenty minutes. Here's to passing
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
the percs and the tube part after them is fine but the bubble bottom is fucked