mill was total gridlock. no taxis would get anywhere close. only reason we even ended up at cheba is because I had the worlds most intense munchies and it was pretty much the closest any cab was willing to pick up. but yeah 8x surge pricing on Halloween night on a saturday after a sold out open air show really fucked everyone trying to get home haha.
Can't believe I voted no when the time came to legalize pot. But the problem was the structure and everybody here knows it. The rest of the country just sees the headline "Ohio shoots down legal marijuana" Only ten privately owned pieces of land would be allowed to grow it commercially basically creating a monopoly and making that small group of people filthy rich. It's absolutely retarded and they put all their hope in it passing on the fact that stoners would only see legal weed and freak the fuck out. Fact is the majority of no voters were pro pot.
They had 28 mil in campaign funding vs maybe a hundred thousand against. So their commercials looked legit saying that it would provide jobs, help the economy and all that jazz. Shitty thing is the ones going against were all clusterfucked. You got people talking about the business aspect saying it's basically unconstitutional and should be shot down. But then mixed in with that you have people saying you should vote no because children are going to start eating pot candy and then graduate to heroin.
That was an actual commercial. It said your children will get ahold of candy and because marijuana is a gateway drug...and because Ohio has like the worst heroin epidemic in the country, your kid will overdose and die
nah after cheba hut we had to take a fucking $75 uber home. so goddamn weak.
The only time he smokes weed really is around me like once a year or two
i cant ant stop dying at that text doe
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
So I can't pay them no mo mind oh nooooooo.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)